Saturday, February 15, 2025

Here It Is

I shared my personal kink with almost no one.
I knew what it was that turned me on but I wasn’t at all sure that even my best friends would understand.
In a way I was just hiding myself just as Kaaren was.
I wish I’d had a girlfriend to share it with but I was already seen as a kind of weirdo.
I mean I was the one who enjoyed giving blow jobs while the rest of my friends did it but swore they hated it.
I always felt a little sad that Kaaren didn’t have a confidante other than me.
And although there were a couple of times that I told someone about my little secret kink, it wasn’t something that could ruin my life if it got out.
Not so for Kaaren, if he outed himself to the wrong person it would have been a social suicide.
I’m so glad that he could share all his secrets with me and I could trust him with mine.

Mrs K

"Okay here it is...Sissy (noun) One who....."
"I can read!!!!"
"Oh my god, is he really like that? That's kind of hot!!!!"
"He's totally hot but I don't know...."
"Let's double date on Saturday and we'll see if he'll suck Bobby's cock! Then we'll know for sure!!!!"


  1. how old were you when you realized this was your thing? was it the dressing up, the cock sucking, both, that appealed to you?


    1. Ever since I was a little girl I loved making little boys play dress up with me
      It was even better when I could get them into a dress and then make them go outside.
      If they were blushing and really embarrassed, well that was the icing on the cake.
      As far as my history of giving boys blow jobs. Probably the first time was when I was a freshman in high school. So I was maybe thirteen or fourteen years old.
      As I have written I was one of the few who enjoyed it. Or at least one of the few that admitted enjoying it.
      I loved having the power it gave me over the boys. I could control them simply by choosing when or if they would come.
      And if they got a little too rough i would have to remind them that I had teeth.
      The two things didn’t come together until I first met Kaaren.
      I vividly remember pulling his panties down and putting his little dick in my mouth.
      He came so quickly that I was surprised and a little disappointed at how quickly it was over.
      But it started there. My first boy in panties. The memory fueled my “alone time” later and for years afterward.
      I hope that answers your question.

      Mrs K

  2. thank you. I remember Kaaren's description of that night (the dance), and have always enjoyed how the two of you first discovered one another. It took someone of your confidence to make sure it went so well.

    that sort of confidence in woman is particularly compelling.

