Monday, February 10, 2025

Sad News

I’ll never forget that day.
Poor Kaaren was an absolute wreck.
His friend Frank was a decent guy who never had a bad word to say about just about anyone.
He made Kaaren laugh and laugh.
They would talk for hours and Kaaren would apologize to me for taking all that time away from me.
I’d never be cross with him about it but he’d get a “correction “ spanking and he would be fine.
This post brought home something that bothers me still.
When I had the memorial service for Kaaren I couldn’t help but notice that everyone, literally everyone, there were my friends and family.
By the time he’d passed Kaaren had been abandoned by everyone he’d known in his life leaving him only my friends and family to mourn his passing.
This didn’t go unnoticed by my relatives and my mother actually asked me about it afterwards.
What could I say to her in response?
The subject of this post was basically Kaaren’s only friend of his own.
I think I understand why he wrote it and why he didn’t post it.
The people who knew him before he became Kaaren didn’t know him anymore.
The family he had, proved not to be family to him at all 
And that was their loss because they missed the chance to know him.
 But he had me and my family and my friends and he had you. He loved the people who read his “silly little blogs”.
At the end of the day I know that Kaaren was surrounded by people who loved him and l know that he felt that in his heart.

Mrs K

We hadn't talked in so long....
I didn't ever expect him to call me but when he'd talk for hours...and if you asked me afterwards what we'd talked about I probably couldn't tell you!!!!
But we hadn't talked for so long....
He was the oldest friend I had.....the only one who wasn't bothered by the way my life had turned....he was happy that I was happy....
And then today I got a phone call......and it wasn't even about was just mentioned that he'd died!!!!
What do you mean he died????
Frank was dead.....dead and buried....months one had told me....
I put the phone down and sat on the floor and cried my eyes out!!!!
When she came home she saw that I was a wreck and she let me cry on her shoulder!!!
I sit here still and I can't believe that the phone won't ring and we won't talk about all the trashy TV shows that we both loved....
The world lost an honestly good soul.....
I'll never forget him.....
I'm not religious but he I hope his faith became the truth for him!!!!
Sorry to pour this out on you all but this has hit me hard.....

1 comment:

  1. it might be meaningful, for those of us he touched through his silly little blogs, to share a memorial moment with you. perhaps it's not practical, but a shared drink, scattering of ashes, and reading our favorite posts together...

    in any case, thank you for sharing this with us.

