Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Matinee - The She Devil

The gold rush was someplace called the Yukon territory way up north.....
He thought that he might as well head up there.....there was nothing for him here...
When he arrived in late 1896 the rush was going strong with thousands of big, rough men arriving daily....all with dreams of riches!!!!
He stood out in the crowd by not standing out....he was small and lightly built....when he tried to fit in he wasn't even noticed by most of the burly men which was good.....unfortunately some took notice of the little man with the soft voice....
"Hey little feller....what brings you here?"
"I'm looking for gold!!!"
"I'll tell you what.....I got some golden balls here in my pants and for a dollar I'll let you touch 'em!!!!"
The men all guffawed as he slipped away, red-faced, into the crowd.....
It was only a matter of time before he bumped into the wrong man....McGurk was known around the territory as someone to avoid.....he and his partner Sperry were thought to have killed more than a dozen men....
When he accidentally jostled McGurk's arm causing him to spill some of his beer the reaction was immediate and it was only the intervention  of the owner of the establishment that saved his life!!!!
Sally owned and operated the bar and brothel and didn't want anybody killed in her place and truth be told the little man reminded her of her sweet younger brother....killed long ago by men like these....
She had him carried upstairs and sent for the doctor.....
"He's going to need a lot of care and rest activity at all for a couple of weeks...I'm pretty sure he's got some cracked ribs and maybe his head injuries might leave him a little confused for a you want me to take him to the hospital?"
"Take him to the hospital! Put him in a bed next to men just like the brutes that did this to'll be staying right here....I'll have the girls look after him!!!!"
"Okay Sally....I'm sure that's for the best....I'll check back on him tomorrow...."
"Thanks Doc!"
Over the next few weeks the girls all took turns taking care of him....they fussed over him and they all made sure to kiss him goodnight.....
His suitcase had disappeared after the ruckus and so they loaned him things to sleep first he tried to argue....but he was in no position to tell them no!
Weeks turned into months and he remained bedridden.....the girls liked to play with his long hair and sometimes they put rouge and lipstick on him.....just to see the colors they said....
Sally watched it all....
Finally he told Sally that he felt well enough to leave......and Sally laughed!!!
"Leave.....where on earth are you going to go? You have no money....for heavens sake you don't even have a suit of clothes.....then there's the little matter of how much money you owe me for your room and board and medical care for all this time.....oh no Sweetheart you're not going anywhere!!!!"
Sally and the girls went to work on him and when they spun him around to look in the mirror he was by far the prettiest girl in the room!!!!
"You're going to work for me for a while......I'll tell you when you've worked off your debt.....obviously you can't offer full service to my customers but you have a couple of things that these men will enjoy.....I'll have Kate work with you the first couple of times she's really good!!!"
In a short time he found that he could handle the things that a few months ago he would have never dreamed of....and he became quite good....
Sally was pleased and continually raised the price for his favors......he'd been found out a couple of times and strangely enough those men became his regular customers!!!!
His reputation as the girl with the magic mouth had spread and it was inevitable that McGurk caught word of it!!!!
He rode into town and pushed his way into the saloon and ordered a bottle of whisky....Sally was keeping an eye on him as he sat and drank down almost half the bottle!!!!
"Hey Sally!" he called out, "Where's the new girl I hear so much about.....I'm looking for some relief!!!!"
Sally nodded and went to fetch him.....when she told him who the customer was he recoiled.....he couldn't.....he just couldn't.....
"You can....if you do this for me your debt is settled....then you can stay or go...whatever you want...."
"But can I?"
"Just you listen to me....this is how it's going to go....."

Sally escorted McGurk upstairs and collected the fee in advance.....she brought him into the darkened room where his erstwhile victim waited......
She sat McGurk on the edge of the big brass bed and the two "girls" helped him out of his clothes.....Sally admired how the small feminine man went right to work without hesitation and McGurk was already groaning....his head was back....enjoying the pleasure so he didn't see Sally slip the straight razor to the "girl" who was working him hard....
Slipping away, Sally went into the hallway where all the girls waited.....when they heard the scream they rushed in and held McGurk as he writhed in pain......they all laughed as his bloody balls were held up for all to see....and then there was another cut and another scream as his manhood and he parted company....
McGurk's mutilated body was found the next day in an alley away cross town from Sally's place the next morning and although everyone in town knew damned well who'd done it....they were all pretty happy it'd been done!!!!
But Sally's place grew a your step....there's a She-Devil there and if you step out of line it'll cost you all you hold dear!!!!

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