Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday Matinee - The Mystery of the League

They had been holding him for two says now and Phil Carson, Ace Detective, was beginning to despair....perhaps this was really his last case....perhaps this was how it would end for him!!!!
He had been investigating the strange disappearances all around the were vanishing without a trace....he had tried to find a common thread that linked them but had been stymied!!!!
Rich, poor, white, black, tall, short....there was seemingly no pattern....and when his old school chum Tommy "Red" Flynn had disappeared it had become personal!!!!
He reached out to the underworld....shaking down junkies and number runners and bookies.....and finally he had a lead....
"It's the League is what I heard, the League is recruiting.....word is they'll be done soon and move to just leave it alone...."
The League? Who was the League and why and how were they recruiting the men of the city? How could he find them?
The last question was one he didn't have to answer because the League found him first!!!!
They had kept him bound and gagged....blindfolded and as near as he could tell he was naked from the waist down....when biology overcame him they simply hosed him down....maybe that was why they took his trousers....
Then in the middle of what he guessed was the night, he felt the presence of several people in the room with him and then he felt someone touch him.....there....he tried to wiggle away but it was no use and his excitement soon overcame his anger....
Then as delightful as it had been it simply stopped and he heard some bits of whispered conversations....
".....nice.... but too big for......"
" exception...."
"The League is very....."
"What shall we do...."
" was nice....."
"just get it done.....
He heard several people leave the room and thought he was alone again....
Were they going to kill him....he thought of all he had done in his life....all he still wanted to do.....he couldn't let it end like this.....and he began to struggle against his bonds but they held him just as tight as they had since he'd first awoken here!!!!
He heard footsteps and sensed someone near when suddenly his blindfold was pulled took a few moments for his eyes to adjust but when they did he saw a pretty redhead kneeling next to him with a knife!!!!
"'re going to kill me? What did I do to you....why are you doing this?"
"Shut up Phil.....I'm going to cut you loose but you have to promise me something!"
Realization came when he heard the voice.....
"Red, Red Flynn!!!! Why are you here....why are you dressed like a woman?"
"Phil if you want to live you have to swear to me you'll stop investigating the League....they considered maybe recruiting you but you didn't meet the physical they've given me orders to "silence" you....they didn't explicitly tell me to kill you though so if I let you go you have to swear to me that you'll stop looking for the missing men....I assure you they haven't been harmed!!!"
"Where are they Red? And why do you look like this?"
"I haven't got much time Phil....some of the men will be returning to their regular lives in a day or two but some, like me, have opted for a new life!!!"
"But Red? I still don't understand!!!"
"The League is dedicated to helping men like us become what we were meant to be Phil, we'll have a useful purpose.....and there are so many of us!!! Don't think about it again Phil.....the League is all around you every day.....their hand is in everything....they can reach out and squash you like a bug if they want to!!!!"
"The League.....I have to know what is it?"
"It's full name is the League of Little Men, Phil.....we are all little men!!!!"
"But you're just about my size Red, what do you mean little?"
"Do I really have to pull up my dress and show you what I mean Phil. we've been in locker rooms together I think you can figure it out!!!!"
"So you're all......oh....I get it now.....and I couldn't be recruited because I was...."
"Yes Phil, you were too big, but not by much!"
"Hey....what does that mean!!!"
"It means, I'm going to cut these ropes and you're going to run out that door as fast as you can and forget all about the League of Little Men.....but remember they're all around you and they'll be go!!!!!"
He burst through the door and was surprised to find himself in his own Preceint's Squad Room where some were startled by his appearance but many just eyed him suspiciously before turning back to their work!!!!

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