Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday Matinee - Vengeance is Mine

"It's just like the last three times Sarge....we found them dressed as girls and....well you know....just like the last three...."
"They were raping scum but we can't have vigilante justice...especially not like this....I want every man on this case...."
"Right you are Sarge...."
"Higgins....get me Scotland Yard on the telephone right away....we're going to need help on this...."
"But Sarge we've got a bloke from the Yard here already....he's been here for a couple of weeks...."
"Really....I wasn't told.....what's he looking into?"
"He's been going over the unsolved assaults against women....says it may relate to a case he's investigating in London...."
"Really...then he may be just the man to give us a hand with these vigilante he here now?"
"Yes Sir....he's downstairs in the file room....shall I fetch him for you?
"No....I'll go down and introduce myself...."
As Sgt. Parker of the Aberdeen Police Department trotted down to the basement he smiled at his good fortune!!!!
Imagine the perfect timing of having an investigator from Scotland Yard....THE Scotland Yard....her cases that might directly lead to the Vigilante who was pursuing and punishing men suspected of sex assaults.....Good Lord how those men must have suffered....each of them found....bound and obviously....well he didn't like to think about it.....but he couldn't say the bastards didn't deserve it....
He began to wonder.... as he turned the long had this bloke been here....these cases all occurred in the past two weeks.....they started right about the time this fellow arrived.....the two survivors both said that they thought it was a woman before they were overpowered and....well.....maybe it was a blessing for all concerned that they both passed on before they could say more....
He opened the door quietly.....he could hear the man humming to himself and then he heard the unmistakable sound of high heels clicking toward the back stairs....
He found a file open on the table.....the man had been charged with assaulting his own daughters.....but a judge had ordered that he be released because he couldn't trust the testimony of the girl because they were too young.....
When that man turned up dead just like the others.....he knew he had his man....the "investigator" was his killer.....
And he decided his best course of action was to take the rest of the day off and go to the pub and have a pint....
Slowly details they always do.....and the legend of the Nyloned Avenger was born!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun as always! You certainly do all the covers justice!

    Many times when we leave the house, we'll say on the way out, "If I don't come back, avenge my death!"
