Saturday, June 6, 2020

Saturday Matinee - The Fiends Feast

He slowly regained consciousness and realized he was in some kind of hospital or laboratory....
"Hey!!!! Where am I...."
His voice sounded funny....kind of high pitched....kind of like a woman's voice....
"Oh I see you're awake my Dear.....welcome'll find that things have changed for you...."
"What have you done to me...."
His body felt...wrong somehow....smaller....weaker....and there was an unfamiliar weight on his chest....
"I've made you over into a beautiful woman....a beautiful and desirable woman...."
" change me back....."
He started to cry....he hadn't cried since he was a little boy but now he found that he couldn't help it....
"I'm sorry my Dear....but I needed you for my friends.....they need to feed...."
"What are you talking about!!!"
"You see, my Dear, in the course of my experiments I have created something really special......I have created a new species of beings.....but through some genetic quirk they have extremely specific dietary needs.....extraordinary if you think about it.....I found out about it quite by accident when I was examining the creatures with my lab assistant Ramona....god rest her soul....."
"These.....these things....ate her!!!!"
" a manner of could say that!!!"
"And now you're going to let them eat me!!!!! Oh god please no....this must be some kind of bad dream......please....let me go.....I'll never tell anyone...."
"I'm very sorry my Dear......but it's time....."
He took the struggling girl by the arms and she was so much weaker than she was as a man.....try as she might she couldn't break free of his iron grip.....
He tapped a switch on the floor and a trapdoor opened....a horrible swampy odor rose from the darkness below....
"Now I could throw you down or you can climb makes no difference to me.....although the former could find you with a broken leg or worse and the latter would allow you to face my creatures and  perhaps fight them off.....for a while....."
"Please....I don't.....please....."
"I'm's feeding time....."
"Alright I'll climb's so dark...."
"Rest assured I'll turn up the lights a bit once I close this door...."
She climbed down and he slammed the door shut. True to his word soft lights came on and his eyes adjusted to the low lighting.....
It was actually a swamp.....artificial, to be sure but a swamp nonetheless.....
She heard movement from all around her.....twisting back and forth she finally caught sight of one of the was a horrible mix of man and frog....and to her left another surfaced......spinning around she found two more behind her!!!!
Paralyzed with fear....she couldn't even scream until one of the creatures shot out it's impossibly long tongue which wrapped itself around her right was wet and slimy and it held tight as she tried to jerk away from it.....
The other creature wrapped it's tongue around her left ankle and they pulled her toward the water hard enough to make her fall on her back.....
The two behind her quickly took control of her arms and she found her four limbs being pulled apart until she was spreadeagled on the ground......the creatures made guttural sounds that rose...louder and louder....until they drowned out her screams of terror...
Then she saw the fifth creature.....and it looked up at's tongue snaked out....moving slowly.....
She wondered what was it going to it slid in between her feet and continued comin closer.....
Oh my god......she gasped as it moved inexorably further up....between her widespread legs......until it reached it's goal.....and she screamed and screamed as it fed....

How much time had gone by.....she had lost all track.....the creatures had slipped away at some point....their hunger satisfied....she paused for a moment to try to make sense of it....they hadn't hurt her....quite the contrary.....she had been driven to levels of pleasure she hadn't known possible.....their tongues seemed to be coated in some type of aphrodisiac which made her forget everything else....and as they had all fed on her the pleasure was just indescribable.....
She realized that she had survived the feeding frenzy.....and now was ready to face the madman who had done this to her......
Turning to the water she called out....
"Come my friends.....come and help me open this door....please I need your help....but I promise I will return to you....."
And she was surprised to realize...she meant it.....


  1. Such a fertile imagination! If you could breathe through your eyelids, you'd NEVER have to come up for air when servicing her!

    1. Just flip through the pulp covers until one tells me it's story....
      Maybe my imagination is fertile because of all the seed I've swallowed!!!
