Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday Matinee - Return From Beyond

They grabbed her as she rose, startled, from the table!!!!
"Pass me the sedative Brother Jonah...."
The monk quickly passed the sedative to young Brother James....they'd seen this reaction many times before and were used to working quickly to calm the revived soul!!!
She practically swooned as the sedative began to take effect.....she couldn't think straight...the last thing she remembered was the aliens spraying some kind of purple dust and then nothing but darkness....
She looked around the room she was in and could make no sense of what she was seeing....and then she looked at herself.....and she knew this was wrong, somehow this was wrong....
"She's calm now Brother Jonah.....maybe you could explain to her...."
"I hate this part Brother....but I suppose it must be done...."
Through her haze she saw the elder monk step up and sit near her....
"I know you are confused child.....I'll try to explain what's happened to you...."
She tried to focus all her attention on him....his soft voice combined with the powerful drug had left her relaxed....
"You see months ago our planet was attacked by another race of beings....they didn't want to join with us....they wanted to destroy us and ravage our world...."
She thought that maybe she remembered something about that.....aliens....
"They set up a base on our moon and we tried our best to communicate with welcome them as our guests....but they weren't guests they were here to exterminate us..."
She began to see it in her mind....she began to see images through the haze....millions of people....falling to the ground....
"They didn't answer....instead their ships came and spread a dust into our atmosphere....anyone who inhaled it fell to the the panic that followed no one realized that the people weren't dead.....somehow their weapon didn't kill humans but instead left them in a coma-like state....."
Yes she remembered looking up and seeing the ships with the purple plume of dust billowing behind them as they swooped low over the countryside.....but she had been different somehow....if only she could remember....
"Humanity tried to fight but the aliens had technology far beyond ours....we pleaded with them to accept our surrender.....we would offer them whatever we had if they would only let our race live...."
She was looking at the old monk and at her small....they were never so small....
"Finally we received a reply..... they said simply that they would take what they wanted.......and they did.....they took many of our resources.....apparently they needed metals and water.....they drained the Great Lakes in a day....and we were helpless to stop them.....then they demanded a delegation of our race be sent to them so they could see if we had value....if we were worth living...."
She was thinking that she must have been badly injured because she felt an unfamiliar weight on her chest....
"A group of volunteers, representing humanity was gathered from all around the world....all races were represented.....both sexes....and even a few that fell somewhere in between.....they were picked up in a ship and they were never seen again...."
Wait.....she began to panic....I wasn't like this....I was different.....I'm not a woman....I never was!!!!
"The aliens demanded that we send women to serve them.....and when we refused they dropped hunter robots to gather the women and transport them to their ships....we took the remaining women and brought them deeper underground to save them.....we found ways to evade the robots....and best of all we found the cure to the Purple Dust...."
She tried to speak.....he tried to speak.....he was a man....he'd always been a man....what had they done to him....
"The cure had an odd side affect that I think you've realized by acted on a genetic level and changed men into women....all the male victims of the Purple Dust became women when they were cured......fully female except they were sterile....none of them could reproduce....the female victims awoke normally without any side affects....but the men....we had no choice but to revive them as women...."
She....he struggled to speak....
"So we are alive....we still fight.....I can endure as a woman.....and fight our enemy...."
"Well....let me explain about see females are our most precious commodity....the only insurance that our race can survive.....the aliens stopped attacking when we agreed to give them a regular monthly supply of earth women....and so while our scientists struggle to find a way for us to defeat them we must appease them....and so our Order was pressed into the revival business....."
"But we.....must....still.....fight...."
"Yes child....we still must fight but we must survive long enough to be able to fight....and so...."
"What.....are you....saying...."
The haze was lifting....and she....he....was getting a horrible feeling about this....
"What I'm saying is that once we finish revving this batch of Purple Dust victims, you will all be offered to the aliens.....perhaps it's a good thing for you....we have no idea what happens to the women they take....none have ever returned...."
She began to struggle but the monks were too strong for her.....and Brother James administered the sedative again.....and she faded into the haze again....
"I can't do this over and over Brother James.....perhaps you could do the next one?"
"If you wish Brother....I was wondering though.....perhaps we could keep a couple of them for know....just to help out here.....I've heard they do that at some of the Monasteries...."
""You are talking about sin Brother!!!"
"Well all work and no play they say...."
"You may have a point there....and really who would miss one or two....maybe we'll keep this one......"
"My thoughts exactly, Brother...."
She heard some of it through the haze but she couldn't remember....something seemed different....

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