Saturday, May 7, 2022



My sweet husband has suffered a setback.
That's what the doctors call it!
I try and try to remain positive through all of this but I'm feeling nothing but despair.
For a week or so everything seemed to be getting back to normal, but Tuesday night "Kaaren" was in trouble.
They called it "respiratory distress".
Even with the oxygen he wasn't getting enough air.
The ambulance arrived pretty quickly I guess, although it seemed like it took hours as I tried to comfort my sweetheart.
They took him to the, all too familiar, emergency room and he was immediately admitted to the hospital.
Doctors and tests and hours and more hours, and then they told me that he was being sedated and put on a ventilator.
His blood oxygen was so low that he had less than an hour left to live when he got to the hospital.
They say that he should pull through, they say that this is just a temporary problem, they say a lot of things.
But they don't say that he would have died in his bed if I hadn't gone in to check on him!
I feel like I'm losing him a little bit at a time.
I can't imagine a life without him, I've been in love with him since I was just a girl!
"Kaaren" isn't religious, however, she's probably more christian than many churchgoers but she would never claim to be. I pray for his recovery every day.
I have never before thought about really losing him.
But while he lies there in a hospital bed, unconscious, and only breathing because a machine is helping him, how can I not!
I'm only writing this because I can't do anything to change any of this.
If he comes home again I hope that he will get better.
But recent days have dampened my expectations.


  1. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to see this! I hope that K not only pulls through, but makes a full recovery soon!



  2. I'm so sorry to hear that Karen is back in the hospital. My thoughts are with you both.

  3. Don’t give up hope. Prayer is a powerful tool. When I was 5 years old, I was diagnosed with cancer. My mother told me there were times that I was knocking on death’s door. All she did was pray and eventually a miracle happened. I have been cancer free for 20+ years. I hope and pray that Kaaren gets better soon!

  4. Praying for you and Kaaren- sure it will work out, stay strong💕
