Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Covid Pounds

 I don’t think this was very nice of Kaaren.
I knew that I had gained a little weight from being locked down during the pandemic.
But I did lose it again when I realized that some of my clothes were getting too tight on me.
I guess it says something that Kaaren never said anything like this to my face and didn’t post this one.
But you could never really tell if he was just trying to provoke a spanking.
He loved getting his bottom warmed up over my knees.
And I always loved to see Kaaren do the swallowing. 

Mrs K

Sure she had put on a few pounds since the lockdowns began....I called them Covid pounds!!!
She told me she was going to diet and a key part of that involved me!!!
It hurt her to say it....but as much as she loved it....although she would be doing all of the sucking I would be doing all of the swallowing around here!!!!


1 comment:

  1. he loved all of you, and just wanted you to be healthy and happy.

    and to share, one imagines.

