Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saturday Matinee - On The Moors

"Let me have a look under the microscope...."
"Anything....I need help to stop this...."
"Let me see.....oh my goodness...."
"What!!!! What do you see?"
"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes!!!!"
"What did you see???"
"You're changing at the cellular level....."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that you're not going to be you anymore Mr. means that you are going to be a woman in a very real way!!!!"
"But is that possible!!!!"
"I was going to ask you that very same question myself?"
"It started that night out on the moors....I had heard some odd sounds and I took my dog and my gun and went to investigate....."
"And what did you find...."
"I saw some strange lights and a pink flash and then....the next thing I remember....a dog was licking my face and I woke like this...."
"What do you mean when you say a dog.....wasn't it your dog?"
"No sir....I haven't seen my hound since that night.....but it was the cutest little poodle you've ever seen that woke me.....she's stayed by my side ever since...."
"I can't really say what might have happened to you.....something that could change a man like this.....the very idea makes me shudder...."
"Honestly!!!! What should I do?"
"Well my advice would be for you to get used to being an attractive woman....there is no science that I know of that could possibly change you back."
"But I don't know anything about being a woman!!!"
"Well now....there I can help pick up those skirts and I'll just get out of these trousers and I'll be more than happy to teach you all you need to know!!!!"


  1. Definitely enjoyed the alternate ending to "Hound of the Baskervilles"!!! Or is that "Poodle of the Basket Case!"

    Sounds like a job for Encyclopedia Brown!

    1. I was wondering if anyone would notice the poodle....
      Thanks for coming to the popcorn surprise for our regulars!!!
