Saturday, June 22, 2019

Saturday Matinee - Altered States

"So you see, I have to prove my theory that the human mind alone has the power to make profound changes, mental changes obviously, but physical changes too!!!"
I had been so lucky to land this internship with Dr. Jessup he always told me to call him Edward but I couldn' just seemed disrespectful.
Truth be told I think I had my doubts about his research but I couldn't let the opportunity to work with a world renowned scientist pass me by!!!!
He reasoned that the proper combination of mind expanding psychedelic drugs and complete isolation would force the human mind to evolve to the point where it could actually make physical change to the body possible!!!
I seriously doubted it but I sometimes got to sample a few of the hallucinogens he had around the lab....and that was a bonus!!!
In fact I spent so much time at the lab....working or tripping....that my girlfriend Emily dumped me.....and it was worse than that....she dumped me for another girl!!!
Someone more attuned to her needs she said!!!
So anyway Dr. Jessup told me that tonight was going to be the night and we spent the entire day making sure everything was ready....he carefully measured out a mixture of incredibly potent mind altering drugs and placed them in a gradual feed tube that would be fed to him orally as he was floating in the absolutely neutral environment of the isolation tank....
I would monitor him and three hours after the last of the drugs had been ingested I would get him out of the tank....he was very specific about that!
I carefully helped him into the tank and we double checked all the sensors and monitors that would keep me informed of his physical and mental activity so I could hit the emergency abort if need be!!!
Once we were both satisfied he began ingesting the drugs as I shut the lid on the tank...I watched the dials register that all was as expected....
I watched the dials for what seemed like forever and other than several small twitches as each of the drugs was administered, there were no significant changes....
I put my feet up on the desk and leaned back in the chair.....there was nothing to do now but wait....I looked at the clock and it was 7 o'clock....I'd get him out at ten.....I shut my eyes for just a moment.....and fell asleep!!!!
I woke with a start!!!! I looked to the clock and was relieved that It was only 9 o'clock....two more hours to go.....
Then I checked the sensors and dials and I saw there had been profound was as if there was a whole different person in there....I thought it best to check the data printout and was surprised at the amount of data there.....
Then from the corner of my eye I saw a small gap in the curtains....was that daylight!!!!
I pulled the curtains open and the bright sunlight streamed into the room as the horrible realization hit me that it was morning!!!! I had left Dr. Jessup in that tank all night and half of the morning!!!!
I ran back to the tank and pulled the handle and stopped....
He had been right!!!! Because the person who rose up before me wasn't Dr' Jessup least not the Dr. Jessup that I had known.....and I could feel her in my mind....traveling through my mind....asserting control....
She laughed as I fell to my knees before her....I couldn't stop...she was in complete control of me....
"Oh this is delightful!!!" she said as she pushed my face between her thighs, "I wonder how many I can control like this...."
Before the day was over, every student and the entire faculty were under her control and she kept reaching out and for more!!!
Where it would end I couldn't say but I was the first and it didn't matter to me if she enslaved all of humanity...because I would always be her first!!!!

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