Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday Matinee - The Witness

I had to admit....the Feds were pretty good at this.....better than I thought....
They had me dead to rights.....I was going away forever or maybe even for a short ride in old Sparky.....just like my brother Tony.....I'd been there and I'd seen that....they said he'd felt no pain but I didn't feel like jerkin' around and having smoke comin' out of my skull like he did!!!!
So when they offered me the deal I jumped at it....they said I could be remade into anyone to protect me after I testified against the Don.....if I brought down the family I could start over as anyone I wanted to be!!!!
When I told them what I wanted they were surprised but.....I mean which guy never wondered what it would be know life on the other side....they tried to talk me into other options but I stuck to my guns....pardon the pun!!!
It took wasn't easy....but as the last of the Lugano family went to jail I started work here as a chorus girl.....
Life was easy.....if I needed something I could bat my eyes at some sucker and before you knew it I'd have that new car or new fur coat or diamond bracelet....I mean I did some things I wasn't too proud of but you know what they say "When in Rome!".
So after the show I was going to meet the high roller from table 23 and paint the town...I had heard about the breakout back in New York....the Feds had warned me that Vinnie "the Fish" Nunziatto was out and looking for me....I just laughed.....even if he did manage to track me all the way across the country how would he ever recognize me,,,most guys were too busy looking at everything but my face....if you know what I mean!!!!
So we finished the late floor show and I got back to my dressing room and I turned on my vanity lights and I saw the message and I knew....oh well it had been a good run.....ever since the Feds nabbed me I'd been on borrowed time....
I watched in the mirror as he stepped out from behind the door!!!
"Hey Vinnie" I said "Long time no see!!!"
"Yeah're looking good....yellow is a good color for you...."
You really gotta do this Vinnie?"
"Yeah I do Carmine....goodbye!"
Outside her date was surprised to hear a sound like two gunshots....

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