Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday Matinee - Artifact

When Tom Evanson had found the helmet he hadn't thought too much of it, he had been far more interested in the patterns on the ground that made it seem as if a giant ship had landed there!!! In fact he had put the helmet aside for several weeks in his lab and had almost forgotten it when a colleague asked about it!
"Tom isn't this the artifact you found at the site?"
"Why yes it is, i think it might be some kind of helmet...I meant to run some tests on it!"
"I think it;s about your size Tom! Here let's see how you look in it!"
As his colleague placed it on his head he immediately felt it come to life!!!! The electrodes attached deeply into his brain!!! The pain was excruciating and he screamed and blacked out!!!!
When he came to he was surrounded by the other men in the lab! He felt the helmet pulsing into his brain, he felt it's power!
"Whatever you wish you shall have!"
Could it be??? Could he have this power?!?!? The helmet repeated!
"Whatever you wish you shall have!"
Almost imperceptibly the lab swirled and changed! His otherworldly surroundings matched so well with the fantasies he had while reading those sci-fi pulps in his youth! One by one his colleagues changed into compliant slaves!!! And he had his way with each of them in turn!!!
He suddenly noticed there was one more person! But his colleagues were all in stasis tubes! Who was this? When he wished for her to be his slave....nothing happened!
Suddenly a voice spoke to him through the helmet!
"Dr. Evanson, we are an advanced race and we have been charged by the Intergalactic Worlds Congress to conduct tests on native populations of worlds on the brink of space travel! I'm sorry to say that we have run this test a dozen times and in each instance the male has used his new found power for his basest pleasures! You were the last hope for Earth's male population which I am now afraid, will have to be eliminated for this culture to grow!!!! Even now the males of your planet are being transformed into females! We understand that the race must continue so we will be shuttling in many compatible males from other worlds to keep the population vibrant and alive! We are sorry that you failed the test but we look forward to welcoming your descendants into the Congress!!!"
As the helmet stopped speaking he felt his body transforming!!!
"My God!!!" was his last male thought "What have I done!!!!!!!"

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