Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Matinee - Unnoticed

"But why have you done this to me....I've never done anything to you!!!!"
"Near as I can've never done anything....period! You were simply someone no one will miss and that's exactly what I needed for my experiment!!!"
"But what have you done to did you change me"
"Into a woman? I could explain it to you but the development of the process has taken me years and is incredibly complex....and besides, my dear you don't need to know!!!"
"But what about those others....what have you done to them...."
"Oh don't worry about them....they're common street prostitutes....I only needed them for this final phase and they'll be released....none the wiser about how I've used them....I can't keep them....the papers have been full of stories about these missing women....this isn't a big town and there really aren't that many whores here....people noticed when they disappeared....unlike you!!!"
"But what is this experiment you speak of....why me!!!!"
"I'm trying to create the perfect female slave....but everywhere I've tried to do this there was an uproar over the missing women.....the last town where I worked I barely escaped with my notes as the FBI came crashing into my laboratory!!!! So I decided to alter my more taking women to least not for more than a couple of days....this batch will get released later tonight....each will wake up with a headache and a thousand dollars....and no memory of the last four days...once they've been found everything will die down and I'll be free to continue my experiment!!!"
"But what are you going to do to me...."
"Well first I'm going to use this serum to make the final changes to you....this can I explain this so you'll understand....this is the essence of these's their desires....their experiences....their femininity if you will....and I'm going to flood your system with it...."
"But what will happen to me!!!!"
"You....or at least the "you" you know will cease to will become the woman that they are.....their lives will overwhelm and rewrite yours and you will become a slave to will comply with all of my will not only want to fulfill my will want to fulfill your own!!!! In short, you will be the ultimate will live to satisfy me.....and when I tire of you I will sell you to the highest bidder and create a new toy for myself....all I'll have to do is find another young man that no one will notice when he say goodbye....when you awaken you will be the woman of my dreams!!!!"
He screamed as he felt the needle slip in and then his mind went blank....he tried to hold on but the images and memories and lusts and desires overwhelmed him and he was lost forever!!!!

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