Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What Are You Doing Sissy

"What are you doing Sissy?"
"I was just going to send an e-mail to my wife...."
"And what were you going to tell my big sister Sissy"
"I was going to tell her how mean you've been to you fucked me last night with that big black you made me lick you until my jaw you spanked me so hard with your hairbrush that I can't sit big this plug you put in me you've verbally abused me since I got you promised to expose me to your boyfriend tonight.....I'm going to tell her everything!!!"
"You know that she gave me permission to do all of that and more don't you Sissy?"
"I know.....I was going to ask if I could stay for another couple of days!!!"


  1. That needed a rim shot at the end .. or a cumshot .. either way works!

    1. It's funny Dee....I almost heard the rimshot with this one....

  2. quando scopri le meraviglie e le bellezze del sesso fatto da sissy con meravigliose padroncine e le sue particolari lussurie...non puoi più tornare indietro scopri un mondo bellissimo e sensualissimo che ti fa sentire bella e femminuccia come non mai...l'anima ti si riempie di felicità e vorresti dire a tutti che ti senti una bella figa tutta voglie e passioni che crescono e non si esauriscono mai !!! grazie baci baci baci
