Tuesday, October 4, 2016

When They Started

When they started out together they couldn't afford much....in fact there were times they weren't sure if they could even pay the rent!!!
But she was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that her Sissy husband had what he needed!!! Some day they'd both be in gowns and silks but for now she'd eat cold cereal and just enjoy watching her sissy practice to please her and the lovers she had already begun to bring home!!!!

1 comment:

  1. in una casa quando c'è amore c'è tutto non manca mai nulla ci si nutre di puro amore !! mia moglie spesso spenge la televisione e pretende che lo spettacolo lo faccia io per lei in privato per vedere quanti progressi di femminuccia ho fatto !! grazie tesoro bella baci baci baci
