Thursday, May 18, 2017


As her car disappeared over the rise he realized she wasn't kidding when she told him to make his own way home....
His options were so limited....
She had left him with his own shoes so maybe he could was maybe twenty or twenty five miles....maybe he could stay out of sight out here but what about when he got to town?
He could strip off everything and tell a passing motorist he had been robbed of everything....but that would involve the police and when she found out he'd lost the pretty clothes he couldn't imagine the punishment....
He could just hide here and hope she'd have pity and come back for him....but that was really unlikely....
Finally he realized his only chance was to flag down a ride and do whatever it took to get home....he knew she'd want to hear every detail.....

1 comment:

  1. How embarrassing that can be. One time my wife picked me up from ballet class and she was late so I said something that pissed her off and she made me walk 5 miles home in a leotard and tights. People were blowing their horns at me as I made that walk home.
