Wednesday, July 13, 2016


As the model strode down the catwalk she liked the lingerie....she had already decided to buy the entire line for her shop when she noticed the model was looking right at their eyes met the model quickly looked away!"
"Oh my god!!!" she gasped.
"What's the matter Jen," her friend asked, "you look like you've seen a ghost!"
"Do you remember that guy in high school.....the small guy that the other guys picked on.....the one they called sissy?"
"Oh yeah I remember him....they really tortured him....that poor kid....I wish I'd been nicer to him!"
She pointed at the model just making her turn to walk back past them....
"Well here's your chance....that's him!!!!"
"Oh my're right and he's looking good too!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. io di una sfilata di intimo mi comprerei tutto fino a rovinare le mie finanze...!!! mi piace tutto quello che è intimo femminile ed i suoi accessori...!! a volte ho sognato di fare la piccola modella sui tacchi alti e sculettare in lungo e largo e magari essere riconosciuta da qualche vecchio compagno di con me non si deve scusare perchè con me son stati sempre molto carini affettuosi e soprattutto...generosi di cazzo...!! grazie amore baci baci baci
