Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Just Get It

"But Sweetheart...."
"Sissy, I need my newspaper...how can I enjoy breakfast without my newspaper?"
"But Sweetheart...."
"Look Sissy....it's early....there's no one around.....just go in...get my paper and come right back to the car....there's no one to see you except maybe one or two clerks in the store....."
"But Sweetheart...."
"Damn it Sissy just go right now or I swear I'll spank your bottom till it matches your dress!!!!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
It's cool early in the morning and the breeze ruffles my petti's....I curse the delivery man....how could he drop her paper in that puddle.....I dash in and my face is surely blushing a much darker shade than my dress.....they laugh as I grab the paper drop the money and leave as quickly as I can in my heels!!!!
Back in the car at last.....she smiles!!!!
"If you don't think you have time to make me breakfast we could stop at the Waffle House Sissy....do you feel like having waffles?"
She laughed when she saw the look on my face.....and drove us home.....I'm not used to early morning humiliation.....but afterwards.....it had been so good!!!!


  1. Oh! i was reading your text, and just imagined being crossdressed a bit. Then, when i saw the picture, the full impact hit me! s

  2. ohh !! sarebbe bello poter uscire tutti i giorni vestite da femminucce di tutto punto coi tacchi e le calze e farsi ammirare sculettare per le vie del mio quartiere...ma ancora mi vergogno un poco...ogni tanto in qualche appuntamento serale con qualche nuovo amante all'aperto di notte cammino un poco sui marciapiedi sulle strade vicino alla autovettura mentre le macchine sfrecciano ma poi dopo un poco per paura della polizia che mi ferma per strada torno in automobile...!! grazie amore baci baci baci
