Saturday, September 24, 2016

Humiliation Fail

"I'm going to fuck your wife's tight ass you have anything to say?"
"I'm sure she's going to enjoy it....I'm so happy for her!"
"Here just a moment I'll get her nice and wet for you!!!"
" mean...."
"I'll need to suck your cock too....just to make sure it's nice and know proper hygiene is very important!!!"
"But I was going to...."
"Oh yes and then I'd be only to happy to lube you both'll both want this to be a pleasurable experience right?"
"Ummm yeah....okay Sissy....sounds good!"
Just before I put my tongue to work on her I heard her small laugh!!!
Not every attempt at humiliating a sissy works out...especially not when you're "forcing" me to do something that I love to do!!!"


  1. sììì se essere umiliate significa stare a guardare mia moglie che si fa fare di tutto allora sìì volgio essere umiliata...!! se essere umiliata significa leccare tante cose buone maschili e femminili allora sììì umiliatemi pure...per me è una grande gioia...!! se non ci fossimo noi piccole femminucce trav il mondo sarebbe in bianco e nero...!! grazie amore baci baci baci baci

  2. Gawd, i luv that face!! ~s
