The TTRB had pre-selected a group of humans whose disappearance in the past would have no effect on history and after approval you could select any one of them...
There was one little problem.....the list didn't identify the "Blankies" by anything other than a numerical time coordinate from which they could be removed and brought forward to their new life!!!
It was just luck really....a flip of the coin....when the TTRB Retrieval Chamber door opened you'd see what manner of "Blankie" you had gotten!
The fact that he had brought a male through time was just a bit of inconvenience and would delay his plans by a few hours but it wasn't the first time....a short time in the DNA Reconstruction Chamber (DNARC) and his brides body would be exactly what he desired....
It was the "Blankie's" mind that would take a little longer...usually the shock of the Time Jump would be enough to leave them in a more or less, catatonic state.....but ideally the new arrival would have it's new identity imprinted within a few hours....
Harry Pendleton was no one special, just an average guy but he imagined so many things...he knew he should write them down and maybe submit the stories to one of the magazines....
Finally one night he sat at his typewriter and wrote out one of the stories he'd rolled over and over in his mind.....Time travel to the a world so different it might as well be an alien planet.....where people are kidnapped into the future and used against their will....
In the morning he put a stamp on the envelope and mailed it to the editor at "Amazing Stories"....When the letter arrived to tell him they'd accepted his story for publication his landlady sent it back marked...."Not at this address....Left no forwarding address!"
No one remembered Harry Pendleton but he found out that if you can imagine it today then some day it would come true and in the last moments before his new female persona was imprinted on his brain he was actually happier than he had ever been!!!
baci baci baci !!