Driving long distances can be tedious and even with cruise control my legs get tired, I'm far more used to kneeling than sitting for extended periods!!!
That's why we took frequent breaks at the rest stops along the highways as we traveled....she seemed to always need to go to the ladies room and as for me...I liked to get a snack!!!
I found it was best to eat light while on the road and these high protein snacks were just what I needed!!!
io mi abbufferei solo di cazzo in tutte le salse ne mangerei fino a scoppiare...anzi a farli scoppiare...!! schizzare...!! godere...!! il più nutriente saporito dolce caldo sfizio della mia grande golosità un dessert a cui non vorrei mai rinunciare...anche se a volte diventa un pasto veloce...ma sempre buonissimo !! baci baci baci adoro fare pompe !!