Thursday, June 23, 2016

Did You See

"Did you see that?"
"Yeah....why was Daddy dressed in Mommy's dress?"
"That's not Mommy's dress...that one belongs to Daddy!!!"
"But why?"
"Mommy told me that it's part of a game grown-ups play where they pretend they're someone else!!! She says I'll understand when I'm older and have a submarine of my own!"
"A submarine!!! What does that mean? Does Mommy have a submarine?"
"She must...because that's what she said....someday I'd have a sub of my own!!!"
"Oh boy!!!! I can't wait!!!! I want a submarine too!"

1 comment:

  1. io da da bambino che sognavo di vestirmi come la mamma o la zia ho sempre desiderato essere come loro elegante carina dolce...con i grandi che poi ti dicevano sempre poi più in là capirai...quando sarai grande capirai...!! ma io ho capito quasi subito qual'era la mia strada...quella della femminuccia sculettante...!! baci baci baci
