Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday ManCandy

She didn't mind....he worked so hard and he needed the energy boost more than she did....and heaven knows she couldn't trust him to get it are so careless about taking care of themselves sometimes....knowing that he would start his day with a nourishing helping of rich cream in his tummy made her feel good for the rest of the day!!!!
She'd get her own from the neighbors after he left for work!
ManCandy!!!! It's the real "Selfie"


  1. sììì mammina bella trattami da piccola puttana dammi da bere tutto il latte caldo che vuoi dal biberon fammi sentire femminuccia bella sììì bevo tutto così divento una perfetta femmina tutta voglie come la mia mamma !! baci baci baci

  2. What a perfect way to start the day. Self cumming on your on face is a skill every sissy should at least attempt to do. That warm hot cum hitting your face will give you instant gratification. Steph
