Friday, January 20, 2017

Too Big

"Admit it Sissy....some cocks are just too big for you!!!"
"Never!!!! I'll keep trying if it takes all night!!!"
"That's fine if by "all night" you mean for the next couple of minutes it takes me to get undressed and turn down the bed....I have plans for that big cock Sissy!"
"Yes Ma'am I understand....but I can play with it till you're ready....please???"
"Of course you can know I spoil you!"
"Thank you Ma'am!"
"Five minutes Sissy!!!"
"Thank you Ma'am!!!"

1 comment:

  1. io che son piccola di statura ed esile mi innamoro sempre di uomini altri grossi carnosi muscolosi tipo giocatori di basket o giocatori di rugby...mi piacciono rudi e forti come gladiatori...adoro i rubinetti grossi e grandi da tenere con due mani per portarli alla bocca...!! baci baci baci
