Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday ManCandy

It's Columbus Day!!! The day we celebrate the man who didn't know where he was when he got there and wasn't sure where he'd been when he got back!!!! It's a day when you can lay back and enjoy yourself....there's no rush this have time to savor the local flavor!!! A nice breakfast of warm creamy goodness is just the thing....and just in case you, like Columbus, forget what goes where....just follow the instructions!!!
ManCandy!!!! You'll know for sure when you find it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kaaren la bella ed intelligente e spiritosa femmina ti confesso un altro mio piccolo segreto...adoro baciare morbidamente leccare appoggiare le mie dolci guance sui ventri belli e morbidi di uomini e donne senza distinzione e mentre coccolo i loro ventri le mie narici si inondano di fragranti profumi ed odori dei loro adoro !! grazie amore baci baci baci
