Friday, December 8, 2017


He was just finishing his makeup when he heard the front door slam...
"Hi Honey, I'm home!" his wife called out.
OMG!!! She's early!!! He felt a wave of panic come over him!!!! What if she caught him like could he explain it to her???
Moments later the bedroom door swung open and there she was....her eyes wide as she looked at him in his pretty lingerie, wig and makeup!!!
He could see she was angry....he tried to think of something to say but his mouth was suddenly dry and no words would come!!!
Finally she spoke...
"So what have you been doing all day, little boyfriend will be here for dinner any minute and you're not even finished dressing yet!!! You are in big trouble my girl....if I had time I'd put you over my knee right now but it'll have to wait till after you get your dress on and you get downstairs and wait by the door to greet my boyfriend when he arrives and god help you if that doorbell rings before you're ready!!!!"
"Yes Ma'am!"

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