Monday, September 23, 2024

Always Working

This was the truth.
I remember when Kaaren would be sitting at her little desk working away on her blogs for hours.
I once had him in a little pink dress with white knee socks and Mary janes with his hair in pigtails while he worked.
He was just so cute!
I remember making him blush by whispering all types of things in his ear.
Making sure he knew that I would need all his attention when he was done.
His desk sits now just as he left it, I can’t seem to be able to get rid of it even though it makes me so sad.
But sometimes I can almost see him there. That mischievous little smile. My special girl.
“Just a few minutes more sweetheart and I’m all yours” he’d say.
I would give anything to have just a few minutes more.

Mrs K

All day and all night I'm working my sissy fingers to the bone trying to keep you all horny and entertained!!!!

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