Monday, June 20, 2016

Special Panties

When Tommy got home from school he was so relieved.....another day without anyone discovering that his sister made him wear her panties under his khaki's!!!! Just a few more days and his punishment for stealing from her panty drawer would be over!!!!
Now all he had to do was let her check that he hadn't cum in them and he could change!!! When he heard her come home he realized she had brought some friends home with her!!!!
Before he could even grab for his pants they were there....laughing and taking pictures!!!! He was humiliated beyond belief....and his little cock, tucked between his thighs, was harder than it had ever been!!!!


  1. anche io qualche volta ho preso in prestito le mutandine o le calze della mamma e delle zie in alcune occasioni e anche le loro scarpe col tacco alto e mi sono specchiata sola soletta davanti allo specchio e mi son subito innamorata del mio lato femmineo...รจ il mio ruolo naturale essere sissy o femminuccia...adoro la lingerie sexy femminile mi sento bella quando le indosso !!! baci baci baci
