Saturday, January 30, 2021

Saturday Matinee - The Coronation

And now he was the King....with the death of his mother he ascended the he had the power to change things to be the way he wanted....after his mother had suspended parliament and re-assumed the true powers of a monarch he assumed the complete power of a true monarch!!!!

Born into the royal family he had lived a life of privilege and riches unknown to the masses....his mother the Queen had been the dominant figure in his life after she had sent her royal consort....his father...into exile after discovering his dalliances with the palace maids....the maids she simply had imprisoned and later quietly executed!!!
He was schooled by the very best tutors in the Kingdom....but very few of them dared to try to correct his behavior....lest they incur the wrath of the Queen!!!
As a young boy he had expressed a predilection for feminine clothing and it was not unusual to see him running about the palace in pretty frocks and heels....
The Fleet Street press had a field day with headlines about "The Fairy Prince"...until the Queen took note....they still thought they were living in a free state....the Queen soon clarified that for them......reporters were jailed and tortured....editors were hung in public as a warning.....publishers had their fortunes stripped away from them and were left as beggars in the streets....
The Queen loved her boy....and he could do no wrong....
And now the old Queen had passed and he was to assume the complete power over a populace that had long been cowed into silence....
He appeared for his coronation wearing the same gown his mother had worn at fit him well.....and none dared comment....
As the crown was placed on his head the Archbishop named him as the new Queen....and still no one spoke against it....
Weeks passed as he consolidated his power......he purged the military and civilians who dared to criticize....he enacted laws that fundamentally changed society into something he felt more comfortable with....
The average citizen tried to ignore it all and just go about their lives....but he eventually came around to them in his bid to change the nation....
It was funny how little resistance came from the male populace and how much support from the one had expected it to be accepted by such a large percentage of the population.....
But their new Monarch had used all the best PR firms and all the best psychological tricks to equate the new lifestyle with patriotism......
And soon it was done.....of course there were a few dissidents....but they were ruthlessly hunted and killed.....opposing voices were not allowed as the entire male population slowly feminized.....after all England expected every man to do his duty!!!!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the support Fran....glad you enjoyed it!!!!

  2. Wonderful job pulling a story out of that picture. You totally rock, Kaaren!

    1. Truth be told....I had nothing....for the first time since the Matinee's began I was coming up empty and was considering re-running one of the old ones....
      But I had this pic sitting in the folder....and I kept coming back to it...and so without any type of story in mind I started to unfolded in front of me in real time....
      I can't say it's one that I'm really happy with....but I did what I could with it....
      I have to admit that after doing the Saturday Matinee for several years I'm starting to run up against writer's block more and more often...
      But I'm going to keep trying to keep this little theater of mine open....even if it's only for the few of you that seem to enjoy it....I enjoy it too but there will probably be a day where it'll just seem like too much work for a too small audience....and I hope that day doesn't come any time soon....
      Thanks asa always Dee!
