Thursday, December 8, 2016


I watched him grinding against her.....he was loving it and she was loving it more!!!! Then he kissed her neck....that spot....she loved to be kissed there....and she groaned a little!!!
Then he whispered in her ear and after a moment she started laughing....not just a little chuckle....full on belly laughs!!!!
I thought the mood was broken but even as her laughter slowly died away hew continued to feel her and hold her close and soon they were fucking and she wasn't laughing anymore!!!!
Later after I had licked her clean and we were cuddling together I asked her what he had said that was so funny....what had made her laugh so hard?
She smiled at me and assured me it was nothing....
"But it had to be something really funny.....I've never seen you laugh like that!!!"
"Alright Sissy....he said he was going to fuck me like he was my husband....and there you were....kneeling there in your bra and panties and I couldn't help was just so funny!!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. in amore bisogna divertirsi ridere prendersi in giro e godere penso che ci si possa divertire a fare sesso e penso anche che più si è e più ci si diverte io la vedo così...tra una risata e l'altra un ricco pompino gustoso e qualche battuta ci si conosce meglio e si apprezza meglio l'amore ridendo !!! baci baci baci
