Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday Matinee - The Castle of Dracula

After his horse had reared and thrown him he watched as it galloped away....
He was sore but otherwise unhurt as he began to the night it would be easy to lose your way.....there was no moon and he could barely make out the road....
A strong wind had whipped up and he could hear thunder in the distance....he knew he'd need shelter soon....
A distant flash of lightning showed him the outline of a nearby he was surprised he couldn't see it even in the dark...
It was a dark and foreboding place with no lights from anywhere within....if the occupants were home they must all be asleep....just as he reached the heavy wooden doors the rain began.....and he began to pull the bell chain....
Soon he saw lights within and the door pulled open....
"Please come must be lost!!!"
"Yes I lost my horse and I...."
He stopped as he saw the woman who'd let him in....she had a strange ethereal beauty  and she was wearing a wispy nightgown....with no robe!!!!" He tried to keep his eyes from looking too closely....
The woman watching his reaction laughed.....a deep laugh that seemed out of place in one so slender and feminine....
"Oh I've embarrassed you....I'm so sorry but you see it's only the three of us here and we've become quite relaxed in our dress....but must be cold and you must get out of that wet have to meet the others....and we so love when we have someone new to enjoy...."
He stuttered a "Thank You" as she led him through another doorway into a grand chamber where the other two women sat....
"I'm pleased to meet you and I'd like to thank you for your generous hospitality allowing me to shelter in your home....that storm looks like it will be a bad one!!!!"
The redheaded one smiled....
"It's so nice to have a visitor, we rarely have anyone new...."
"So do you three live here all alone?"
"Yes....our Daddy sailed for England some time ago...."
"Yes and it's been ages since we've heard from him...."
"We're so worried that something terrible may have happened to him...."
Their voices were so seductive....deep and the voice of a lover's passion whispered in your ear!!!!
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I myself am returning to England in a weeks time....perhaps I could look into his disappearance.....what's your family's name?"
"Our name is the same as the name of this castle....we are of the family Dracula....perhaps you've heard of us?"
"I saw something on the newsstands about that name but I don't really recall it right perhaps there's some merit to your worries!!!"
"We pleaded with Daddy not to go...."
"We practically begged him...."
"But he took Mr. Renfield and off they went...."
"Alright then.....when I get back to England I'll make inquiries and I'll send you ladies any information I find out..."
All three started laughing.....
"Ladies!!!! He'll send us "ladies" information...."
"Well that's it for me "ladies"....I'm tired of the game...."
"I agree, I think it's time for the cats to stop playing with the mouse...."
They all grinned at him.....their smiles full of menace....
"Wait.....Dracula!!!! I remember now....a ship full of dead men....murders....Dr. Van Helsing.... a vampire they said.....You're his daughters!!!!
"No we're not his daughters...."
""We're his sons....."
"Daddy liked us better this way....."
He stepped back....glancing at the door....looking for his escape....
"It's been so long since we had a man...."
"Finally something I can sink my teeth into...."
"Now let's get you out of the rest of those wet clothes...."
At night no one came near that castle so there was no one to hear his screams!!!!

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