Monday, April 8, 2019

The Tale of the Lost Cage

A couple of years ago I had an accident at home and was taken to the hospital by ambulance and rushed into the Emergency can read the particulars of what happened in this post I made a couple of days after the accident.
All right can read all about my adventures with modern medicine if you read the posts from the couple of days afterwards....but I remember that I said there was a story about my chastity cage and what happened to it....however I never told it so here we go....
I was in the treatment room....when the treating physician noticed the cage....apparently unaware that such things existed he asked one of the nurses to remove it which she couldn't do.....she told the doctor that it was locked on....
My bottom had a few bruises from the correction I had received the day before and in the doctors mind this looked like a case of domestic abuse!
I was pretty much out of it still and he was asking me question after question and I wasn't very responsive.....he apparently dispatched a nurse to contact a hospital administrator who in turn contacted the authorities!!!!
Meanwhile my poor wife was waiting outside for any news....she had gotten my panties off before the ambulance arrived so when I was picked up I was only wearing a tee-shirt...
A nurse approached her to tell her that it looked like I would be OK, that I would need stitches and I had not yet fully regained consciousness but that I was definitely going to be admitted and would probably be staying for at least a day for tests to determine what happened.
My wife repeated what she had already told the EMTs about finding me face down on the floor and how she called for help....and the nurse nodded and promised to update her...before going back to the treatment area she came back and pulled my wife aside and asked her about the cage!!!!
My wife told me that she had forgotten all about it even though it was in plain sight as I was put on the stretcher in our home....she laughs about it now....because she still forgets about's just always there and it's completely normal to see me with it....but that night she said she thought I was dying and she just wasn't thinking about the lower half of me while the upper half of me was in such bad shape!!!!
She told me she tried to explain it as best she could when the nurse asked her if she had the key so it could be removed....
She always has the key with her....always....either on an anklet, or on a chain around her neck, or in her purse....but all of those things were still at home!!!!
The nurse returned to the treatment area as my wife waited and kicked herself for forgetting the key....
She did take her phone and called her work assistant Stacy.....asking her to come to the hospital and bring her copy of the key....yes Stacy is also a keyholder who enjoys "privileges" with me!
A little later a hospital administrator approached my wife, accompanied by a pair of policemen and asked her to speak to them privately!!!
"They treated me like a criminal!!!" she told me!
They asked my wife to explain my injuries including the bruises on my bottom and the strange device attached to my body....and how I came to have a serious head injury!!!
My wife is not a stupid woman and she realized that she could have a real problem on her hands here....she started to explain about the chastity cage and she told me that the more she explained the worse it sounded and the policemen were not taking it well...
That's when she thought that perhaps she should be calling her attorney before she answered any more questions....then she said that she broke down in was all just a little too much for her emotionally....
The police stepped out into the hall to discuss what action to take and to inquire if I was able to answer any questions yet.....
The hospital admin, who I won't name here, leaned over her desk and handed my wife a box of tissues....she had been there through the questioning and had listened to my wife and she asked my wife...
"It's a sex thing, right, the device....the cage on his genitals?"
"'s a sex thing....but it's a part of our lives too...."
"And the bruises....on his bottom....that's part of it too?"
"I spanked him's just something we's also a part of our lives....but it sounds so sounds so bad without my husband being able to back me up..."
"It does sound bad....and your husband willingly allows this type of treatment?"
"Willingly!!! It's more like eagerly....he loves the cage....I know it sounds strange....but he does.....and as far as the spanking, well he actually reminded me yesterday that he was overdue for a correction..."
"A correction?"
"That's what we call it.....he wanted a spanking and I gave him made us both happy....there was no abuse...."
"And his head injury?"
My wife tells me she started crying again as she repeated what she had already told the others, of finding me unconscious and bleeding on the floor....
The admin excused herself and stepped into the hallway to confer with the two officers who were now joined by a patrol sergeant....the four of them had a lengthy discussion.
The admin and the Sergeant stepped into the office together and sat wife said she couldn't read their faces....
She turned to the Sergeant and asked him if she needed to call her attorney....
"I don't really think that will be necessary right now....I've had a talk with Ms. ____ here and I think I've got a picture of what's going on here....the two of you are into....different kinds play...."
"My wife said that when he said that she could swear he was blushing...
"....and that as part of this you include the ummmm....this cage thing....and that there is some consensual that correct?"
"Yes that's correct....100 percent correct....I love my husband and I would never hurt him...well never hurt him in a way we didn't both enjoy..."
"And then you found him in your house today and I guess it was only the shock that made you forget to unlock the cage thing from him?"
"Yes!!! I always have the key with me....but today I forgot to pick it up from my dresser....I forgot everything when I found him like that....I was so scared....I thought he was dead...can one of you tell me how he is, please!"
The admin picked up the phone and spoke for a moment...
"It looks like he's going to be OK.....he'll need a few stitches to close up the scalp wound..."
"I'd much prefer it if you could arrange for a good plastic surgeon to take care of it....I'd hate for an ugly scar to ruin his pretty face!!!"
"His pretty face..." The Sergeant chuckled, "If I wasn't convinced before I'm convinced now....this was just one of those things....I think we've embarrassed you enough Ma'am....let me escort you back to the waiting room....would you like a cup of coffee?"
"No, thank you...I just want to see my husband!!!"
So then he took her arm and stepped out to escort her back to the waiting area...he dismissed the two officers who my wife said were still giving her the "stinkeye", as she put it. He told them that he wanted to review their reports before they were submitted...
As the entire group walked out into the waiting area my wife's assistant Stacy came rushing in....reading the situation completely wrong she demanded to know just what the police thought they were doing....she had her phone out in a flash while telling my wife not to answer any questions until her attorney got here....she was just looking for his number when my wife stopped her....
"It's alright Stacy...they understand....did you bring your key?"
Pulling out the chain around her neck she said, "I have it right here!!!"
The two officers walked around her and out the door....muttering something that none of them clearly heard.
The sergeant stepped forward...
"And you are?"
"My name is Stacy, I'm her assistant...I work with her!"
"And that is the key to unlock the....device?"
"Yes it is....." she turned to my wife, "How is is he going to be OK? I've already made arrangements to clear your schedule for the rest of the week just in case...."
"And how is it that you happen to have a know what....I don't need to know....I'm sure if I was to get this whole story I'd be here all night...ladies I hope everything works out for the best....have a good night."
My wife hugged him and thanked him.....
The admin was hanging up the phone and nodded her goodbyes and walked off toward her office.....
The same nurse came out and updated my wife on my condition and my wife gave her the key....and a quick rundown of how to remove the cage...
They came soon after to move me to my room...and if you read the link you already know the rest of the story....
But what happened to the cage?
Apparently the same nurse who my wife had given the key to had approached her, asking if they could talk. Over coffee in the Hospital cafeteria she asked my wife a lot of questions about chastity and how it affected our lives....
My wife gave her the cage....she told me that the nurse felt she had reason to use it with her husband who apparently was a chronic masturbater....
So somewhere out there my cage is stopping a young nurse's husband from tugging at his little cock....
She said one line which really made my wife laugh as she looked at the cage in it's little hospital baggie....
"Such a big deal over such a little thing!"


  1. What a great story! I can only imagine the apprehension your wife had in telling the story and not trying to incriminate herself. Wonder if there is some sort of "living will" sort of thing that could be filed with your attorney that states the things you two do .. mutually agreed to and enjoyed by both parties .. where she wouldn't have to go through this again?

    And I should tell this to one of my best friends. She felt bad because for fun, sometimes she'll paint her boyfriends toenails sometime after she does hers. Then he'll forget .. one time he had to rush to get socks after realizing they were at his parents house for Christmas and his toes were bright green and red! It's even funnier because he does not have much body hair at all, so with the toes painted, it looks like he's got girl legs.

    The worst for them was the same situation that you and your wife went through, though only with his painted toes and hairless body while wearing the johnny. As soon as she could, she snagged some of those hospital booties, but 2 of the nurses saw his toes anyway. And that is the story of how he found out he had diabetes. He'd spiked over 400 I guess, passed out in the bathroom and nailed the corner of the sink with his head.

    They can laugh about it now, thank goodness!

    1. I'm glad you read the tale....I'm pretty sure that it was you that I promised to tell it!
      It's a cautionary tale....some people are going to react badly when confronted with things that are not part of their world....and some things are really not that easy to explain without making things worse...
      We've discussed this several times and still haven't reached a decision on what to do about it that doesn't further expose our lifestyle to others and perhaps risk the exposure that she definitely doesn't want...she's a corporate VP right now and hopes to rise still further in her career and the last thing she needs is the whispers about her sex life interfering with that!
      Glad your friend is OK....I've done red and I've done green but I've never done both and it sounds really festive....I know what I'll be doing next Christmas!!!!

  2. OMG, that's funny now, but I can only imagine what your poor wife must have been going through at the time. It can be hard enough to navigate the blurred lines of forced feminization and enforced chastity when you're already aware of femdom, bondage, and sissies, but to have to explain it to some vanilla newbie who is completely oblivious to the whole scene . . . wow!

    My wife always says things happen for a reason, so I'd like to think your wife accomplished two things that day. One, she opened the eyes of that sergeant, which makes me wonder if he's ever explored more since that day. Two, she helped that wonderful nurse take her first steps towards a proper FLR, which makes me wonder how her husband has managed since then. Is he just in chastity? Does she have him wearing panties too? Does he get correction?

    My embarrassment is usually more along the lines of Dee's story about toenails. I don't know how many times I've forgotten about my brightly painted toenails and had to either hide or explain them. I did get caught out by a doctor once after a hiking accident where I needed a few stitches in my foot and an x-ray for my broken toe, and that was kind of surreal. He was a very stern Middle Eastern man, and I was terrified he'd refuse to treat me, but he just raised an eyebrow and said that if I gave it a few days the bruise would turn the same color as my nails.

    1. It really is funny that the little things that we don't even think about are the ones that trip us up...did you ever go to the beach and have to pretend all the while that you didn't feel well because you forgot until you got there that your toes were painted hot pink? That happened to me once.....hours spent, wishing you could just go and have fun like the other guys but I couldn't take off my sneakers ot my life would have been ruined!!!!

    2. Instead of beach read mother's house and socks that i had forgotten were very see-thru when you have bright pink nail varnish on so that when i took my shoes off at the door and stepped inside into the lounge, sat down, looked down at my feet and then caught my mum's eye as she did too :)

      As you've said before i think secretly we all long to be 'caught' though we don't all got to the extremes of ER that you do! :)

      Glad you lived to tell the tale.


    3. I started "doing" my toes while I still lived with my mother and father and I tank god I never got least not that way!!!
      My toes have tripped me up a couple of times over the's so easy to forget to hide something that's just a normal part of your day!!!!
      Did your Mum say anything or was there that uncomfortable silence and then the forced pretense that everyone didn't know what they could all plainly see?
