Saturday, June 15, 2019

Saturday Matinee - The Creature

"Now try and calm down Ma'am....we can't help you if you don't tell us what happened!"
The woman was hysterical....sobbing and crying... burying her face in her hands....
The detective slid a cup of water over his desk toward her and she took several sips as she tried to catch her breath...finally she managed to speak...
"It's just that I know that you won't believe god I barely believe it myself!!!!"
"Let's start at the beginning.....when my deputies found you you were up on  the old mining road...near the quarry...."
"Yes we wanted to swim and Jimmy and I went up there....we'd always heard it was a great place to swim.....oh my god....Jimmy....I forgot all about Jimmy!!!!"
"Who is this Jimmy....what does he have to do with all this?"
"Jimmy....Jimmy Henderson....he's my boyfriend....we went up there together.....he must still be there....oh my god we have to go save him!!!!"
"Calm down Ma' men found a car at the quarry and you running down the road....but that's all....are you telling me that your boyfriend....Jimmy may still be in the water?"
"Not.....not in the water....under the water....beneath the water...."
"You're not making any sense Ma'am.....are you saying he drowned?"
"No he was beneath the water....under it...."
The detective turned to his partner...."
"Have patrol go up to the quarry again....tell them it's a potential drowning...."
"No!!! He didn't don't understand.....he's there he's alive...."
"Alright Ma'am explain it to me....tell me what happened!"
We got to the quarry and Jimmy was the first to jump in....he said it was cold....but it was a hot day and he said it felt really good....I was laying out our blanket and the picnic things we had brought when I heard him cry out from the water and as I turned to look he disappeared under the water as If something had pulled him down!!!! I ran to the edge and shouted for him but there was just nothing.....I dove in and swam to where I had last seen him and then I dove down....and I couldn't see anything...the water was so dark....and then....then something grabbed me and I couldn't break free and it pulled me deeper and deeper until we rose up into some kind of underground cave....then I saw it...."
She broke down again in sobs....the two detectives exchanged a glance....
"Then I was there.....somehow there was light and there was Jimmy....he was curled up in the far corner of the cave or whatever it was.....but he wasn't moving...I tried to run to him....but the creature stopped me!!!!"
"Wait a second Ma'am.....creature? What kind of creature?"
"I don't know what it is....maybe some kind of amphibian.....I don't was green and stood like a man.....and it had these huge claws that it kept flexing while it stood in front of me...."
"And this....creature is the one that took you and Jimmy to this underwater cave?"
"Yes!!!! Oh my god haven't you been listening.....oh I knew no one would believe me!!!"
"I never said I didn't believe you Ma' it took you to an underwater cave and you saw your boyfriend there but it prevented you from reaching him....what happened then?"
"It pushed me away and I must have hit my head because the next thing I knew I woke up naked lying on the floor of the cave with the creature standing over me....and I couls tell it was.....aroused...."
"Did the creature hurt you Ma'am....."
"Not like you turned from m and was moving back toward Jimmy and I just grabbed my dress and dove into the water and swam for my life....I was expecting to feel those long claws catch hold of me at any moment....but it didn't and I reached the surface and swam to the shore.....and there it was.....and I knew why I was naked....god help me...I knew what it wanted!!!!"
"Did this creature assault you Ma' you want to speak to a female detective? Would that make you more comfortable?"
"No it didn' did something else....."
"What Ma'am....what did it do...."
"It stole my was wearing my bra and my panties.....and I just ran....and ran and ran....until your deputy picked me up....that's what happened.....if you believe it...."
The two detectives got up and stepped out into the hallway....
"So what do you think?"
"I think it sounds just like the last four times...."
"Maybe we should send the divers again?"
"They found nothing all the other times.....what makes you think they'll find anything this time?"
"I guess we'll just make it an accidental drowning with no body recovered....again....but what if it's all true? What if there's really a creature up there taking these men and stealing the women's underwear...."
"If you think I want to go looking for a transvestite creature from the black lagoon you've got another thing coming...some things are just out of our jurisdiction!!!!"


  1. I have no idea where you find much of your source pictures, but you certainly have found a mother lode! And the story definitely lived up to the photo! Wonderful job!

    1. Hi Dee.....thanks as always for taking a Saturday trip with me to the Matinee!
      That pic has been kicking around in my folder of Matinee pics for ages....I have absolutely no recall of where I got it....but from the moment I saw it I knew the was just a matter of taking the time to write it out....I'm sure you understand how that goes!!!!
      Your kind words of encouragement are always appreciated!!!
