Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My Analyst Has Some Concerns

"Hold all my calls for the rest of the afternoon I need to go and check on Sissy Kaaren!!!"
"Yes Doctor Dee, it's been a while since her last appointment!!!!"
"That's what I'm worried about!!!! God knows what she's been doing all these months....she could have corrupted half of her neighborhood by now!!!!"
"Do you think she might be dangerous Doctor?"
"No....but I'm bringing everything I need to deal with an out of control Sissy!!!!"
"I see, please call to let me know you're OK!!!"
"I will if I get the chance!!!!"
"Good luck Doctor!!!"
"Thanks, I'll be fine!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm on the case right now! So tell me .. how many people have you corrupted since I've seen you last? I can't wait to see all my new clients! I just knew that having a great Patient Zero would keep my waiting room overflowing with paying customers!
