Saturday, October 30, 2021

Saturday Matinee - The Gates of Hell

The pounding on the door had been going on for hours....
Finally he could stand it no more and nodded to his servant to answer it...
Moments later the servant returned....
"My's her again....what should I do?"
"Has it been a year already!!! It seems like only yesterday she was banging on my door!!!! Tell her to go away...."
"My Lord....I've told her that many times in the past....but she never does..."
The pounding on the door resumed....if anything it was louder now....
"Listen to that racket....go and tell her....tell her that I'm out and I'm not expected back anytime soon...."
"Yes my Lord!"
Minutes later the servant returned...
"I beg your pardon my Lord....but she says she'll wait...."
"Damnation....I'll never be rid of this one....find me the lawyer who wrote up her contract!!!"
Soon the lawyer was brought before him....
"Did you review her contract as I ordered?"
"Yes your Lordship...."
"And did you find a way out of it...."
"No, your lordship, it is iron-clad....I'm so sorry...."
"You haven't learned the meaning of sorry yet!!!  Take him out of here!!!"
The lawyer was crying as he was led away....
The pounding on the door got even louder....
"My Lord....what shall I do?"
"I honestly don't know.....this one stumps me!!! I made the deal like I always do....he was a miserable excuse for a man and all he wanted was to be a beautiful know like all the others....and I made it possible for him to fulfill his dream....but that damned lawyer screwed it up....there was no way for me to come out on top.....and now here she is....again....and she's demanding entry.....not to become one of the billions of damned souls in eternal torment....oh no....that's not for her.....that damned lawyer left a clause in there that allows her to sit at my right hand....second in command....can you imagine how bad that would be!!!"
"But my Lord.....what shall I do about her now?"
"Well tomorrow is Halloween....after that the veil between the worlds will be restored and she must return to the surface....then we'll be done with her until next year....."
"But the noise my Lord?"
"Why don't you and I take a walk down to see that lawyer and see if we can make him scream loud enough to drown out her damnable pounding!!!"
"Thank you my Lord....that sounds wonderful...."


  1. Hey! I don't tell everyone YOUR secrets! LOL

    Fun story. Always good when you can get one over on the 'bad' guy!

    1. I saw the pic and the story wrote itself...
      There's an old Irish song...I think it's called "The Women are Worse Than the Men" and the whole song is about the devil taking a woman to Hell and she's so bad that she gets thrown out and brought back to her long suffering husband....
      That's part of where the idea came from too....I haven't heard that song since I was a little boy....funny about the things that stick in your head....and I know a thing or two about things getting stuck in my head!!!
      Glad you enjoyed it!!!
