Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday Matinee - Wishes

Old Ted had told him about the well....fifteen miles west from his homestead....and about a half mile off the trail.....near an old abandoned farm....
"If you throw in a gold coin it'll make your wish come true...."
"I don't believe in any such nonsense as that Ted.....where do you get these stories?"
"I hear tell it's true son....why don't you head on out there and see for yourself...."
"Why would I waste my time like that? I've got plenty of work on the farm....and speaking of farms....if those people had a wish granting well.....why did they abandon their farm?"
"Way I hear it they all got their wishes granted and moved on.....didn't need the farm anymore.... "
" come out to my place and do my chores and I'll go look for this so-called magical well!!!"
"Remember to take a gold coin.....every wish costs a gold coin...."
He rose before dawn....saddling his horse and taking enough supplies to spend a nighty on the trail....he rode out at dawn....after stopping a time or two to rest himself and the horse it was going on late afternoon when he started to look for any signs of an abandoned farm....
There in the scrub brush on the side of the trail he spotted an old fence was so covered in weeds that he nearly went past it.....he nosed his horse into the scrub and rode for a short while when he came across what remained of a wasn't very big....but if they lived here4 they had to have a well and it was sure to be nearby and it didn't take long for him to find it....
He dismounted and tied his horse nearby where it could graze a bit....and stepped over to the well and looked into sure was just went down and the bottom was somewhere down there in the darkness.....he dropped a pebble in and he never heard it hit the bottom.....he sure must of taken some hell of a time to dig a well that deep....for all he knew it might reach all the way down to the infernal depths!!!
He crossed himself for even having the thought....
He reached into his pocket for the five dollar gold was a lot of money to just toss down a well.....and what would he wish for anyway?"
Money.....he really had no desire to be rich....seemed like it would be to much worry...
Land....he could barely keep up with the land he already had.... thanks....he preferred to live and let live...
Women....well that's complicated.....he loved women....he loved to be around them and listen to them and look at their pretty things....and their nice long hair....sometimes he wished he could be just like maybe that would be his wish....
He didn't believe anything Ted had told him about the well....but he was right about the abandoned farm and he was right about where the well was worth the five dollar gold piece to find out if he was right about the wishes....
He tossed the shiny gold coin into the well and he never did hear it hit water or stone....
"I wish I was born a woman!!!"
It seemed almost as if the world blinked for a moment and when he opened his eyes it was done....he was a woman!!!!
In every way!!!
He ran his hands over his body....lingering on his new female charms.....he was naked as the day he was born....well he guessed that if he'd always been a woman he wouldn't be wearing the rough male clothes he'd had....
He looked for his horse but he must've gotten loose and wandered off....he wasn't too concerned....the animal wouldn't go far....
He reveled in the feelings he was having.....and he used his fingers to explore his new femininity.....his wife never let him do fact he'd never actually seen her naked like he was now....
It was coming on to dark now and he needed some sleep....the damned horse must have gone off further than he thought so he had bedroll and no clothes....he made his way back to the cabin and he found some old mattresses....they stunk of animals and mildew but they were soft and he needed to lie down....
He spent half the night pleasuring himself....he found a spot that made him cry out when he touched it and he must have gone back to it a dozen times or more as the night wore on....
It was the sun coming through the cracks in what remained of the roof that woke him....he was disoriented at first and then it all came back to him!!!!
He stepped outside into the sunny day and called for the horse.....nothing....
Damned animal must have headed home without him....
Now it all came to him like a he was....miles from horse...and no clothes!!!!
Well nothing else for it but to start walking....he was torn between making the long walk by himself or hoping to meet someone on the would he explain this....that despite all the feminine charms he was showing....that he was really a fact how would he explain this when he got home....maybe if Old Ted was still there he'd at least back up the story about the wishing well....maybe she'd understand....and he'd get another coin and come back out here and wish it all back to the way it was....
He never did meet anyone on that long....long walk back....when his homestead finally came into sight he'd never felt more relieved....and despite the hour there was still light in the bedroom window....she must have been worried about him....she was waiting up...
He crept up to the house but he heard sounded like a fight....he looked into the bedroom window and was shocked to see Old Ted enthusiastically making love to his wife and she was just as enthusiastic about having him....
He watched for a bit and found himself strangely aroused....And after a time he couldn't take anymore and moved to the front was locked and he banged his fists against the sturdy wood....
He was surprised when Old Ted opened the door naked as a jaybird....
"Ah...there you are....home at last....we've been waiting for you....c'mon in and rest a bit...then you can join us!!!!"
"What....join and my wife...."
"You were so easy....I went out to the well and I wished that the next person would wish to be a woman....a slutty woman....and then I looked around town and found the prettiest wife and it cost me another coin but I wished that she'd be filled with lust for there you are....for ten dollars in gold, I got your wife....your land....everything you own...and now I get to have you too....come with me pretty girl....your wife and I have been waiting for you all day!!!!"
And they went  to the bedroom and....well it wouldn't be right to write down all the unspeakable things that went on!!!!


  1. Tying that hair to the well rope would be much hotter :) sar

  2. Wow! You pulled all that story out of that picture? Remarkable!

    1. Except for that bit at the end it all popped into my min d as soon as I ran across the picture!!!
      Sometimes it's easy that way....
      Not this week's already Thursday and I've got nothing!!!
      Maybe tonight the story will come....I hope so....I don't get much of an audience at the Matinee but I'd really hate to disappoint the regulars!!!!
