Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday Matinee _ The Study

"So what's this all about Professor Jorgenson?"
"Well....Josh is it....I'm doing a study on adolescent reactions to megadoses of vitamins....due to the university rules about student volunteers I can only work with students over the age of eighteen...."
"Do I get paid...."
"Oh fact the grant I've received came from a very wealthy'd recognize his name in an instant but I'm forbidden to allow anyone to know that he's funding this study!!!
"Why's that Prof?"
"I'm not sure but I'm sure he has good reasons.....anyway....if you're accepted as a volunteer you'll be asked to sign a non-disclosure may not discuss the study with anyone but may not even discuss it with your fellow you understand?"
"'s a secret....I got it....but do I get paid?"
"Yes you do....and quite handsomely'll receive one thousand dollars a week for every week you participate in the ten week study and those who last through the entire ten weeks will receive an additional twenty five thousand at its conclusion!"
"Wait a minute there Prof....what do you mean "those who last" this dangerous?"
"Oh no....but some may have minor adverse reactions which would, of course, disqualify them as part of the study...."
"If I have these reactions do I still get paid?"
"You'll get paid for every week you seem very interested in the payments..."
"I'm a poor college kid Prof...I need the money!!!"
"I see, well I've got all your information and you should hear from me within the next few days if you're accepted..."
"Looking forward to working with you Prof!!!"
"We'll see...."

He waited the next few days....rushing back from classes to see if there were any messages...finally he found a note slipped under his dorm room read...
" have been selected to participate in the "Megadose Study Group". Please report to Professor Jorgenson's Lab at eight o'clock on Monday October 18. Wear loose fitting clothing and bring your class schedule with you."

He reported a little early on Monday morning and was surprised that he was the only one there....he'd expected to see everyone who'd been selected....
At precisely eight o'clock the door opened and Professor Jorgenson ushered him inside...
"I'm not the only one am I Prof?"
"Of course not Josh....but we will be enforcing anonymity among the the insistence of our seems he doesn't believe you young men could refrain from discussing the Study amongst yourselves and that would violate the Non-disclosure Agreement....speaking of which I have a rather large stack of papers for you to sign."
"What is all this stuff Prof?"
"Well the NDA of course....releases allowing me to inject you with the special vitamins...various other things about the drugs....all legalese, you understand....and finally your agreement to the financial terms of the Study, which I believe we've already discussed...."
Josh picked up the stack of papers and the pen and began the back of his mind he could hear his father yelling at him to never sign anything you haven't read....but he signed them all anyway....
He handed the signed documents back to the Professor who locked them in his file cabinet...
"Alright I'm going to need you to strip down to your shorts....and then we're going to do some tests to get a I can see variation from week to week..."
Josh did as he asked and for the next hour he was poked and pushed and prodded and the Professor scribbled his results into his notes....
Finally the Professor let him sit and rest....
"That was a pretty intense workout it gonna be like that every week?"
"Oh no....after this it will be just a couple of things we'll test for each week....and of course anything that you may let me give you the first injection and you can pick up your check and that'll be all for this week..."
"Sounds good Prof..."

The first week went by so quickly and he found himself having some odd reactions....his facial hair seemed to have stopped growing....and his skin had cleared up....but he could finally afford decent more Ramen noodles this week....

The Professor seemed very pleased with his progress and only asked him to walk on the treadmill as he observed his movements....
"Very good're reacting very well to the Vitamins...."
When Josh told him about the side effects he'd been having the Professor assured him that they were nothing to worry about....
"Unless you were planning to grow a beard...."
They both laughed.....Josh got his shot and his check and went on his way...

By the fourth week he started to become concerned about what was going on with his body...his chest had swelled to the point that his roommate had remarked on it...
"Hey dude....nice tits!"
"Hey fuck off asshole..."
But now he changed clothes in the bathroom or in the closet....
"Nothing to worry about Josh....just retaining some'll pass"
Another shot and another thousand dollars and he left somewhat calmer....

By the sixth week the changes were coming faster....
"Prof....I think somethings wrong....I've got tits that belong in Playboy and there's some other stuff going on too....
"What other stuff is that Josh?"
" junk is getting smaller...."
"Your junk?"
"My dick...and my balls....they've gotten a lot smaller...."
"Would you mind showing me?
He dropped his sweatpants and the Professor bent down and gave him a good looking over...
"Alright Josh....I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about....but we'll monitor it...."
And he gave him the shot and the check and Josh went back to his dorm room where his roommate had started calling him "Sexy"!!!

In the seventh week he noticed his hair was growing much faster and more troubling was that his testicles seemed to be going up inside his body....and his thoughts had gotten weird too....he had always looked at the girls on campus....but now he was noticing their clothes and shoes and hairstyles....
"I don't know what I'm thinking Prof....I think I'm starting to think like a chick....and my tits have gotten bigger and my dick is so small now I have to sit to piss....maybe I should stop doing the Study now...."
"Nonsense Josh....all the others are having similar reactions....and some of them have moved past this phase and are quite enjoying the outcome.....
"So it's not just's not weird....because I'm feeling like crying and I haven't cried since I was little..."
"I can assure you that you're going to be fact I think you're doing better than all the others..."
"Okay Prof....I could still use the money...."

In the eighth week....things had accelerated....his voice had become higher....his testicles were gone...pulled up inside him leaving a little sleeve that he could fit a finger into....his penis was just a nub at the top of the sleeve but it had become more sensitive to his touch....his hair was below his shoulders and his tits seemed to have finally stopped growing....his clothes didn't feel right anymore and he found himself spending a sizable chunk of his thousand dollars on some new clothes....including buying girls underwear and a bra....the salesladies who helped him didn't even blink when they helped him....they thought he was a girl!!!!!
"Now Josh....I think you're overreacting...." the professor said as the young student wept against his chest....he held Josh until the sobs gave way to sniffles....
"I'm not a bit concerned're doing fine....I understand about the fact if you'll give me the receipts I'm sure our benefactor will reimburse you for your expenses..."
"You think so....I can't seem to think straight....well not like I used to....but if you say it's OK the I guess I'll continue....only two weeks to go...."
"That's the spirit these last two weeks are key to the study....this weeks dosage will be doubled and the final weeks dosage will be was all in the papers you signed...."
"Okay Sir...."
"Alright Josh....because these are more powerful I have to give you this injection in your bottom...."
The Professor watched as Josh blushed and slowly lowered his sweatpants revealing his lacy nylon panties....
He didn't comment and Josh collected his check and rushed out the door....

The ninth week had seen some huge changes....he had started to use some cosmetics....after staring at his softer face he wondered how he'd look with a little lipstick...maybe a little eye shadow....he stopped in at a local department store to shop and he'd jumped at the chance to have the girl at the counter help him apply various things tha made him look just beautiful....the girl rang up a huge sale and invited Josh to come back anytime....
He had spent some time buying some new things for himself.....more lingerie....a couple of dresses.....some other things....and finally some shoes....a pair of heels....some sandals....a pair of pink tennies....
When he got back to the dorm his roommate was just coming back from the shower....and Josh suddenly noticed just how attractive he was....
His roommate noticed the pretty makeup.....and before either of them realized what was happening they were in bed together.....Josh had never felt anything like it before....wave after wave of pleasure washed over him....and then he realized the man was inside him....where his junk had been there was now a place for his roommate.....and it felt so right....and they kept at it all the rest of the day...

The tenth week found the Professor listening to all that had gone on in the last week....all the details....and he told Josh that this last injection was different....this one would make the changes in his body permanent....
"You would be changed forever....Josh the boy will disappear and a new girl will take his place....I have to ask you, at this point, if you would be happy like've become a beautiful girl....and you could stay a beautiful girl or eventually the effects will wear off and you'll be Josh benefactor has told me that he will offer you a place in his will live a life of leisure....never have to work....never want for anything...never have to worry about money's up to you....however I need an answer before I give you this final injection!!!"
"I don't want to be Josh anymore....I want to be me....the me I am now....did any of the other volunteers make this decision...."
"There never were any other volunteers....I knew you were perfect.....and I was right...."
"It's you's you who's been paying me....there is no mystery benefactor is there?"
"'re you think you could come and live with me....I'm wealthy and can give you anything you'll ever need...."
"You say this last injection will make this permanent?"
"Then give it to me now....quick before I change my mind....and then I want you to kiss me and hold me...."
The injection went smoothly and Josh was gone....they hadn't decided on a name for the new girl that stood there now....and as she dropped her clothing to the floor and reached out to him it really didn't seem that important.........


  1. That was a beautifully written story that makes one wish that there were shots available

    1. Thanks Michelle. If only it was as simple as getting a few shots....sigh...
