Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday Matinee - The Curse

 Her life was perfect now! Her past life a distant memory!
She had met the Prince quite by accident as she was on her quest to find the witch that had changed her life!
The Prince had known nothing of her first twenty years as a strapping lad, the choice of all the ladies!!!
The lad had anticipated his life continuing as a man! With a stream of women flowing through his bed until he settled on the one...or maybe two....that would give him all he needed....all he wanted!
How was he to know that the woman he'd finally chosen was also the woman the witch wanted!!!
The witch would hear none of his excuses! She cast the curse upon him!

"Every man shall you desire..."
"As a woman you shall be..."
"Between your thighs will be like fire...."
"Till any man shall lie with thee!!!"

The Prince had been the answer to the transformed mans prayers for he craved her in a way that matched her unnatural lust!!!!
But when word reached the witch that he had found happiness in his transformation she decided it was time to pay another visit!!! She laughed to herself as she cast her spell!!!!

"A woman she's now...."
"But soon she'll become..."
"The man she once was...."
"When he makes her cum!!!!"

The witch laughed to herself as she watched the stunned faces when the transformation occurred!!! But she was disappointed as the Prince continued sucking as if nothing had changed at all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. adoro le fiabe fantastiche spero un giorno di incontrare una fattucchiera che mi dia un elisir per diventare donna ma gli chiederò se per favore mi lascia il pio prezioso piccolo gioiello di pisello mi piace esser femmina con ciondolo moscio e piccolo come quello degli angeli nei quadri !!! grazie amore sei fantasmagoricamente bella !!
