Monday, July 29, 2019


"Yes're entirely convincing except for this one little thing....let me help you tuck that little useless thing back!!!!"
"Thank You Ma'am!!!!"


  1. I'm sort of wondering about the balls now. For over 20 years, I didn't wear any underwear. Now for the last few years, I've had to wear manties because, otherwise, my balls would be down near my knees .. which makes me relate heavily with large breasted women who need lots of support for their melons.

    So what happens with sissy balls? Do they sort of get pushed the back as well, or you just take the small dick and use the ball skin to make a vagina looking thing that can show its shape through a panty?

    Inquiring minds need to know this one Kaaren!

    1. Well, speaking only for myself of course, big dangly bits have never been a problem for me as I never had much to my case tucking is pretty rare because the cage is usually at least a little bit noticeable....but as she's used smaller ones as time has gone by even that produces just a tiny bump that you'll only notice if I'm wearing a particularly tight dress!!!
      In my case it all kind of gets pushed back and the tight little panties I like so much hold everything in place.....I tried that whole make a vagina thing but it's not for me although I've seen others do it with great success!!!
      Anyway since I've been caged now for so long that it's become my normal....I don't tuck anything away.....although when I'm lying down I can pretty much make it mostly disappear!!!
      And that's the most I've thought about my little balls in ages!!!

  2. Dear Sweet Kaaren,
    I just LOVE your blog. Does your wife insist on you being locked? What are you locked in these days? How did this dynamic develop? Is your wife seeing a boyfriend now? Love you.

    1. Oh my many questions....
      We have mutually agreed that I should stay fact there's an agreed upon "release"word if I ever just can't take it anymore....I've never used it yet...
      Lately I've been locked in a small pink "Holy Trainer" which is pretty comfortable and doesn't have that dangling padlock showing through my panties....we also have several others including a stainless steel one that is absolutely tiny.....that's uncomfortable from the moment she squeezes me into it and it's mostly used for reminding me of my place...
      I could spend days trying to explain how this started....she says I mentioned it after seeing it on the web memory is different....I remember her bringing it up, as a game at first, but then it just kind of became normal for us....
      She has a couple of guys that she sees semi-regularly but no steady boyfriend....we tried that once and it got really weird, really fast....and it turned into verbal abuse for me as he tried to lure her away from me,,,,so she showed him the door!!!
      Glad you enjoy my silly little blogs....I hope you know that there are two others that I post to regularly!!!
