Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday Matinee - The Virgin Sacrifice

Dangling over the stormy seas the sacrifice was strangely silent...
So much so that some of the villagers threw stones and sticks to make her no avail...
Even though the silence was fact it was completely unique...the dragon was nearby...watching...
"Make her scream, make her scream...." the crowd upon the cliff chanted, "She must scream for the monster to come!!!"
But the dangling victim remained silent... 
The dragon was intrigued by the scene playing out before him....he had never had a sacrifice that didn't at least wail a little over the cruel end that was so near...
The crowd grew more agitated....
"Haul her up and break her bones....then she'll scream for sure!!!"
The Dragon didn't like jagged broken bones and knew it was time to make his presence known. He burst through the choppy waters causing a great wave that almost washed some off the cliff....soaking the sacrifice in the icy waters...still she did not scream!!!
The mere appearance of the dragon was enough to terrify the villagers and they ran back to their homes to wait for morning....when it would be done...
The dragon immediately took the sacrifices legs into its wet slavering maw and still there was not a sound...
The dragon was more curious than hungry and backed off to consider the situation.
"Girl....why do you not scream and beg me for mercy?" the dragon said in his deep voice.
Receiving no answer the dragon tried once more...
"My teeth will rend your flesh and the pain will be more than you can imagine....why do you not scream?"
Still nothing was said in reply.
"I could devour you slowly....making the pain go on for that what you wish..."
"Do as you will....I care not what happens to this body...."
"Oh I're one of those religious ones that's looking forward to Paradise in the afterlife....let me enlighten you...."
"No I'm not religious....I don't believe in an afterlife...."
"I have lived many centuries mortal and no sacrifice has intrigued me thus in all that time...why aren't you afraid to be eaten alive?"
"I fear you Master Dragon....of course I do....but I care not what happens to this body because it isn't mine...."
"You speak in riddles....maybe this is a game to gain a few more minutes....if I bit off a leg I'm sure I'd hear a satisfying scream...."
"I tell you again Master Dragon...have at body has already been destroyed by my own people....I have no love for this one....I will not mourn it nor will anyone else..."
"You have no family to mourn you?"
"Yes I have a family Master Dragon.....I have a wife that doesn't love me and children who have been taught to hate me...."
"I don't is it that you have a wife.....another woman like yourself...I mean I understand and have seen it many times over the centuries but I have never known a woman to have a wife.....and if two women could there be children...."
"It's very simple Master week ago my wife gave me a healing potion to drink for a minor ailment .....and I writhed in agony as it changed me from the strong and handsome man I was into the frail woman hanging here seems my wife loved another and needed to get rid of me....."
"Wait a're telling me that you're a man hidden inside the flesh of a woman!!!"
"That's the truth Master Dragon....until several days ago I was a man and now that they've stolen that from me, I welcome do what you came to do and end my misery!"
The dragon gagged and spit on the cliff....
"You mean to tell me I've had a my mouth....that is.....I can't...." and the dragon began retching and spitting again....
"I mean I'm not the kind of dragon that eats men....I have a cousin near the western coast of the America's who loves to eat men....but I never have.....what will I do if the other dragons find out that I ate a man....I couldn't bear the humiliation...."
"But who will know other than you and I, Master Dragon and I'll be in your belly and, surely, you'd never say so!!!"
"I assure will NOT be in my belly today or ever....I will not have others whispering about me eating men....I love women....they are so tasty....I should have known....there was a gamy flavor about you...."
"Then what will happen to me.....the village chose me as a sacrifice....I cannot go back and live among them....not only as a woman...but as a woman refused by the dread dragon..."
"We have both been tricked and betrayed....I'm of a mind to destroy the village and feast on the denizens thereof.....would you join me in seeking their destruction?"
"If you would start with my former wife and vile children....I would gladly be at your side while you seek redress for the base betrayal of both our trusts...."
"It would seem that for the first time in my life I have a mortal friend....we shall live side by would be almost like I have taken you to least I'd have to insist that would be what you tell anyone you might speak to....what shall I call you mortal?"
"My name no longer suits me what you wish...."
"Well you may know my secret name....but it may never be divulged to you so swear to hold my secret....unto death?"
"I do Friend Dragon...."
"Heh....Friend one has ever called me true secret name is....Daryl!!!"
"Yes....and I shall call you Dee after the first shall we go and have our bloody vengeance.....I'm getting really hungry...."
"Yes Daryl.....let us go forth and kill the bastards who did this to us!!!!"
The night rang out with screams of anguish....and now the dragon was happy....he liked his food to scream!!!!!


  1. Truly a great tale of revenge on those that caused such sorrow.

    1. Thanks for the complements's much appreciated!!!

  2. You mean if not for that dragon we could have had that potion?

    1. I love that this was your take on the story....I honestly hadn't thought of it!!! Damn that dragon!!!
