Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday Matinee - The Fine Print

"So my you approve?"
"Oh's better than I ever imagined!!!"
"Well my work here is done....I'll just be on my way....there's a very unhappy man, highly placed in the United States government, who longs to be a little girl....I think I can make that deal in no time...."
"Then go....Devil I have so much work to do and only ten years till you claim my soul!!!"
"Wait...what work do you have to do....I've given you your deepest wishes already...didn't I make you into a beautiful woman as you asked?"
"Yes my Dark Lord...."
"I gave you wealth too...."
"Yes I am quite comfortable...."
"And I arranged it so you could "have" anyone you desired...."
"Yes I am very grateful for that most of all!!!"
"Then what is this work that you have to get to?"
"I plan to embark on a life of wanton corruption....I plan to ruin lives..."
"Wait a second...."
"I plan to topple institutions...."
"Hey now...."
"I will bring religions to their knees before me...."
"Alright, now just hold on thee Missy....that's my job you're talking about...."
"Yes I will usurp even the nether realms....I will sit on the Dark throne....even you will kneel before me!!!"
"I think you've gotten a little full of yourself....and if anyone's kneeling it will be you!!!"
"But I have the've given me the power to take anyone I let me begin with you!!!"
But the devil just laughed....
"Child....did you think me so stupid that I didn't include a clause in your contract that you may never rise against me.....I've been doing this for a long, long time....ever heard about the Serpent and the temptation of Eve....anyways....I'm impressed with your ambition....but perhaps I read you didn't just want to be another wealthy want to bring down the world and like I said....that's my job...."
"We have a contract can't renege on that...."
"Oh I'd never go back on my word....but I can invoke the D option from section 2095....paragraph 6 if I remember correctly....."
"And what is that?"
"That is what's going to make you unable to stop dancing whenever you're'll dance while you'll dance while you'll dance while you....take care of know....bathroom and'll dance when they commit you to an'll dance until I come back to claim you...."
"No wait....please...."
"Sorry I have to go.....I have a senator to put in maryjanes and a party dress...."
"You can't leave me like this!!!!"
"Hmmm....maybe you're right.....on second you're wrong..."
And he was gone in a puff of sulpherous  smoke as she whirled about the room in a crazed dance that would never end....

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