Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saturday Matinee - Miss Berlin

"So we finally meet in's true what I've can barely're very good Miss Berlin!"
"I don't know what you're talking must have mistaken me for someone else!!"
"Oh no....there's no mistake....we've been watching you for some time now and as we speak your various contacts are being swept up.....the News Agent, the Tailor, the Baker.....we have them all......"
"I don't know what you're talking about....I ...."
"You are a spy, cleverly disguised as a woman, so clever in fact that General Buchalter didn't discover you even though you two have .....been intimate shall we say...."
"You know General Buchalter?"
"Of course...."
"Well you tell him that I said the pictures are beautiful and that I look forward to sharing all of them with the Gestapo along with everything in our toy chest!!!"
"You will be shot as a spy!!!!"
"Somehow I don't think just tell Heidi....I mean tell General Buchalter that I got the new dress....the one he liked so much in the "special" catalogue!!!"
"What are you implying?"
"Only that it's not easy getting a little girls party dress in such a large size....and I'd hate to see it go to waste...."
"You mean it's for....."
"You can write and ask him as you'll have plenty of time on your way to the Russian Front!!!!"
"I think perhaps we've made a mistake....yes I see that're not the one we were looking for at all.....we're sorry to have detained you!!!!"
"Quite alright Herr have my address....why don't you and your assistant drop by some day to see might be fun!!!!"
"We will do that.....thank you!"

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