Saturday, January 11, 2020

Saturday Matinee - Gullivers Travels

Lilliput was mostly an annoyance.....little people with little issues.....
Lemuel Gulliver was so glad when he got the opportunity to leave them behind....and, although he never wrote it down in his diary, he squished quite a few of the more annoying ones before he left!!!!
When he came to Brobdingnag it was a very different situation....
He spent a good part of his time marveling at the giants who were all so careful not to squish him.....what he enjoyed most was walking under the ladies skirts and having a good look.....he was a sailor after all....
When he offered to pleasure Glumdalclitch she had just laughed and her laughter nearly left him deaf...
But Gulliver persisted....
Hauling himself, hand over hand, he climbed up her stocking.....her leg as tall as an Elm tree at home....he confronted his challenge!!!!
he had never considered himself as large where it counted most to fact he always worried if they would giggle when he dropped his britches....but now he realized he was really small.....really, really small!!!!
But there was nothing else he could do but try his best....he was an Englishman after he began to manipulate her.....for Queen and country....
She moistened a bit making his task a little easier.....but she was going to need more!!!!
He tried using his legs for leverage as he rubbed and pushed on her lady bits......his oral skills, that he used to thrill the girls at school with, were quite useless here....
He looked on at the challenge and realized that there was only one thing he could do....
He wasn't sure he could survive it but he had his pride....
So taking a deep breath....he went in....

He woke in his own bed in England.....they told him he'd been covered in some kind of fluid and he'd fallen from the sky as if he'd been shot out of a cannon....and despite all the pains from his hard landing.....he smiled to himself.....he had done it!!!!


  1. Never really cared for the story when I was younger. Now I know why! It wasn't this interesting! I think the only other route he had was to throw in some magic beans!

    1. I didn't like the story either as a child but later I realized that Swift wasn't writing for children and I appreciated it more when I re-read it later....
      I loved the idea of him coming home via her....
      Thanks for your support as's getting harder and harder to keep the doors open on the old Matinee...but with your steady patronage we'll just soldier on!!!
