Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Damien On The Bench

Every day he came here...rain or shine....and he sat on that bench....for hours and hours....he didn't speak to anyone....he didn't read or feed the birds....he just sat there until dusk and then he'd get up and leave with a big smile on his face....yeah that's what I said....a big smile....

It was very cold and he knew he couldn't stay all day....but Damien knew he had to visit his favorite bench again....even if it was only for a short time....
He trudged through the snow and there was no one there except for the hot dog vendor....he nodded as he passed him by....they had never spoken....not even a "Hello" but they knew each other nonetheless....
Damien brushed the snow away and sat down and waited.....
In a moment he was his other world....
He was wearing his favorite outfit.....the crazy short black skirt and see-through lace top and those cute wasn't long before the men came around....and she went with them.....the sex was wonderful....she loved this body....she was so young and flexible....and she craved more and more.....but she had to get back to the bench.....her body was sitting in the cold.....
While the men took a break she looked at the clock and was shocked at all the time that had passed and she ran as fast as she could, in those heels, back to the bench!!!
Sitting down she waited for the transition to happen and she waited and waited....

"No Officer....I got here this morning and found him like this....poor old one came looking for him....he must have been all alone in the world....I saw him here every day and I never got his name.....poor old man....he must have frozen to death...."

The transition didn't happen.....something was wrong....he was trapped here....but all in all, if this was going to be his new world.....Damien.....Dee.....was alright with that!!!!


  1. Awww, how darkly sweet. Sort of the Tales From the Crypt meets Skinemax version of The Little Matchstick Girl! I bet the sunglasses come in handy if/when the jizz is flying all over the place!

    1. I was looking at the miserable weather outside and at this pic of a beauty on a bench enjoying the sunshine and I thought....what if the magic bench was a portal to another world....a world where you could be just what you wanted to be....then I wondered about what would happen if you got trapped there...and then I wondered what would happen to your body back here...and then I said "This has Dee written all over it!!!
      Glad you liked it Sweetie!!!
      My wife told me this one was clever....high praise from my toughest critic!!!

  2. Of course Dee was happy, it was so nice and warm and the fecking snow had stopped! There is nothing worse than sitting on a cold bench wearing wet panties...

    1. And don't we both know it Sweetie!!!

  3. What a lovely story! Thank you!



  4. The clutch, the heels, the sunglasses, the girl, the story...everything is perfect!
