Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday Matinee - Home Again

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"
"Don't you house Ted?"
"How do you know my name....what do you mean your house.....I'm calling the police!"
"Don't you recognize me Ted.....I know they changed me but surely you can recognize your own brother....."
"My own....I don't know what you're talking about brother disappeared years ago...."
"Yes....when you found that old relic in Grandpa's trunk in the attic....that horn....the one that opened the you know what they did to me there can see that they changed my body....can you guess why they did that Ted?"
"It can't be.....Joey....I sent you to the Dark did this are you here?"
"How isn't important right now....I'm here now Joey and I'm going to take it all back from you.....the entire estate.....I've earned it!!! All that time Ted.....all the time when I went through the indescribable pain of the transformation ritual they performed on me....all the horrors they inflicted on me.....all the time they were forcing me to do unspeakable things...all I thought of was taking it all away from you.....leaving you a penniless piece of human scum.....maybe even sending you back in my place and letting you have the experience...."
"Joey....please let me explain....I never meant to hurt you I just needed you to be somewhere else when the will was wasn't personal...."
"Ha!!!! I don't care what you say....I want what's mine....let's start with the deed to this're going to sign that over to me...."
"Alright Joey.....I'm willing to be's in that trunk over there...."
He reached into the trunk and pulled out the relic instead.....before  Joey could react he had blown into it and the dimensional rift had begun to swirl and fill the room....
" bastard!!!! Joey screamed as unearthly hands began to pull at him through the interdimensional doorway....
'We want you back!!!!" dozens of voices echoed in the room "We want you!!!!"
Ted laughed as he watched them start to pull his brother back into the hell dimension...where he would be used and abused forever!!!
"Stop!!!!" Joey screamed, "This is the one I told you of.....the evil king of perversion...the one who has volunteered to become your slave in my place....just look....he will provide you with your decadent pleasures in ways I never could!!!"
It happened so fast....they released Joey and Ted was being pulled away from this earth...
" command you to release me....please!!!!!"
Joey smiled as his brothers voice faded out as the rift slowly closed....
He smiled and picked up the horn his brother had dropped.....and broke it in half....
That was easier than he'd came the hard he had to convince everyone about who he was....and how it was that he was now a woman!!!
But he was home again!!!!

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