Saturday, October 13, 2018

Saturday Matinee - One Thing Forgotten

The plan had been meticulously laud out....nothing was left to chance....all the parts were set to fall into would go like clockwork....
They had laughed when he had married the young blonde....of course only behind his back!!! No one would risk incurring his anger....he had an almost legendary taste for vengeance which had not slowed down as he had some ways it had gotten his hearing faded he imagined that conversations among his men were plots against him and people disappeared with frightening regularity!!!
But he was nearing the end and he needed to act soon....he couldn't risk waiting too long or he might miss his chance!!!!
She was perfect.....she didn't love him....she loved his money!!! And he would see to it that she would have least for a moment....
The Body Transfer had worked exactly as the old Nazi had said it worked for Hitler and now it worked for him too!!!! One moment he was holding her small smooth hand and explaining how he had transferred all of his assets to her....the next moment it was his small smooth hand and she was gasping as she found herself in his aged pain-racked body....
The gun was right there and he put a shot right between the eyes of his old body....
None of his lieutenants were around to hear the shots....all he needed was to get rid of the decrepit old body and a head start and he could live a long life free and in the responsibilities....
He loaded the surprisingly light body into the laundry cart he had placed in the foyer and wheeled it to the one was there to see him....out the back door and down the alley to the car....opening the trunk he rolled the old mans body in....
Then the drivers door opened and he got out....Roscoe had been his driver for years and he wasn't happy....
"What are you putting in there....."
"Oh Roscoe....I thought you had the night off!"
"Well nobody told me....what's the bundle and where does it go?"
He had forgotten all about Roscoe....good old Roscoe....loyal as a hound dog!!! He momentarily wished he had thought to bring the gun with him because Roscoe obviously had his....
"It's just a load of laundry that he wants me to take care of Roscoe....nothing special..."
"Better let me see...."
"I'm sure that won't be necessary...."
"Better let me see...."
And he had run as fast as he could with these new girls legs....but he felt the first slug hit him.....and he slowed but kept running....when the second hit him he slowed to a stumble....and the third left him lying on the ground....
Roscoe never understood the bitch's last words that night and he puzzled over them for years....
He leaned over her as she was breathing her last...
"I was looking forward to being a woman!"
Then her eyes closed forever....
Roscoe disposed of both bodies that night....

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