Saturday, November 2, 2019


"Oh my god Leeanne....I'm so glad your wife allowed you out for me...."
"Well....actually she didn't....I accidentally found the key and I rushed right over...."
"So're telling me that you don't really have permission to cum in my mouth?"
" not really....."
"Well now I don't know about this.....I mean I love sucking your sissy clit but don't you think this is kind of like cheating???"
"Well if you look at it that way....I guess you could say it's kind of like cheating...."
"And we don't cheat on our we Leeanne...."
"Well no....but then what should I do....."
"I think maybe it would be the right thing to go, kneel down, admit that you found the key and ask for her forgiveness....."
"Maybe you're right Kaaren......"
"On the other hand you could just wait a few minutes and I'll make you cum so hard your head may explode.....after all you're in trouble already.....why not?"
"Yeah.....why not???"

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