Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Three More

"That's twenty-five Sissy now stay still while I give you three more...."
"Three more!!!! But you said twenty-five!!!"
"Yes I did but one of your friends asked for three more...."
"But you could have made them part of the twenty-five!!!"
"Nonsense Sissy....your friend specifically asked me to give you three extra....you should be grateful that she didn't ask for twenty more!!!!"
"I guess.....owwwww.....I guess so!!!!!"


  1. I hope she delivered them with her left hand, or a different back swing, so it felt different than her usual paddlings. That way it'd feel like I was there giving those extra three to you! I'm sure you did SOMETHING she didn't approve of while she was out there bringing home the bacon, so you deserved it sweetie!

    And now I know that at least one of you read my reply. Give my warmest regards to Mrs. K please. It will always be a pleasure to hear from the woman that keeps you in line and "behaving"!!!

  2. My wife enjoyed your response very much and laughed as she read it to me...that's right...she read it to me.....she particularly enjoyed your request for three more.....
    I don't know if you've ever experienced a spanking....a hard spanking....where you count off the swats and it starts to hurt more and more after each one....
    I know I'm a baby about it sometimes but twenty-five hurts....a lot!!!!
    So when you finally get to the last one.....and your ass is burning and she's cooing and telling you to relax....and she's rubbing your sore bottom as your tears and sniffles die down a little....
    Then she tells you you're getting three more!!!!
    But I really do have to thank you so much for not requesting any more than that!!!!
