Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday Matinee - The Lamp

He had searched for it even as the others scoffed.....
"It's a myth..." they said!
"Just a legend...."they said!
"A child's story...." they said!
But he knew....deep in his heart that there was truth behind the legend....truth behind the myth....that children's stories sometimes came true!!!!
He ran after every clue....he chased every rumor!!!!
Back and forth over the Arabian lands....sometimes he prospered and sometimes he despaired but he would not relent....he would not give up!!!!
He was enslaved for a time after being found in a strange land, ruled by a cruel Sheik....he was on the verge of escape when he heard the rumor of the Sheik's magic hold on his beautiful Princess....
On hearing that there was, perhaps, magic here....he allowed them to keep him in chains and didn't escape as almost all of the others did!!!!
He found himself a slave in the court of the one of the most docile they had decided he was no threat.....and he served the Sheik well....he grovelled before the little fat man even as he marveled at the wealth he commanded....jewels worth more than he could earn in twenty lifetimes were left, forgotten, on the floors of the palace....every cup was made of gold....even his privy was molded of solid silver!!!!
How could one man amass so much wealth here in this tiny desert Sheikdom and why was he immune to attack from his poor didn't make sense.....
The Sheik had no army, no navy....what was the source of his wealth???
Time passed and as he became more trusted he was allowed to enter the Sheik's Chambers to clean up after his days long orgies.....he would sometimes recoil at what he found....sometimes there was just soiled clothing and pillows.....sometimes there was bloodied rope and knives....sometimes there were bodies.....
But even as he did his duties. quietly and efficiently, he was searching.....because it had to be had to be the source of the Sheik's powers!!!!
Then came the day.....that glorious day.....after a particularly long party where the Sheik had raised the level of his debauchery, as if that was possible.....when he entered the chamber....amidst the human waste and corruption, he saw it!!!!
It had to be glowed as if it contained a light.....
He picked up the lamp and whispered a silent prayer to Allah....and to the Jew's god....and to Krishna....and to all the other gods he had ever heard of....then he rubbed the lamp!!!!
When the Djinn appeared he fell back in amazement!!!!
The Djinn looked upon him....
"Ahh...a new Master....thank goodness....I was really tiring of that repulsive little may I serve you new Master?"
"Is it true that you can grant me any wish my lord Djinn?"
"Most of the time....let's say I review your wishes and decide each one as we go....there are things I cannot do well as things I will not do.....I may serve you....but I will not do evil for you!!!!
He thought about it for some time....but he knew time was not on his side....any moment the Sheik might return and try to reclaim the lamp!!!!!
"Oh mighty you know of the beautiful Princess Farah?"
"Oh Master do not let her beauty fool you for her soul is just as corrupt as my former master, the Sheik!!!!"
"I have a wish I would have you grant oh mighty Djinn....I wish for you to turn out the Sheik and his corrupt Princess....send them to the desert and let them suffer as they have made so may others suffer....and I want you to forbid them from ever returning....even if they brought an army of horsemen and soldiers I want you to prevent them from crossing our borders!"
"Let me think for a moment......"
"Please think quickly oh mighty one!!!"
"Well, I don't really see any evil intent on your part so......yes I have made it so...."
"Already!!!! They are banished already???"
"Yes new Master....does that not please you...."
"I am amazed at the speed with which you have altered reality..."
"You make me blush with your compliments...."
"Now I have only one more wish.....I wish you would transform me into a likeness of the Princess and that the people will accept me as their ruler....."
"It is done Master.....Mistress...."
"Thank you almighty have made my dreams come true....if there is anything you want I would give it to you gladly!!!!"
"Well I'd like to be free of the lamp and I'd really like to play with those....."
And they lived happily ever after....

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